myunkie shares from DefendTruth
Memes of the Tucker-Putin interview
These are great, and right on spot too. 🤣 Tucker is a traitorous modern-day Benedict Arnold and should be tried and shot for treason.
Sean Johnson
Except that, whereas Jews hadn’t populated Palestine in large numbers since the Diaspora, the ties between Russia and Ukraine have been continuous.
2 more comments
Funny, Joy, so are the cemeteries of those who died fighting to free your ancestors.

Racist Christian-Basher Joy Reid Criticizes Iowa's Demographics of Predominantly White Christian …

MSNBC host Joy Reid criticized Iowa’s predominantly white Christian population for their role in the …
All Saints
Descendants of those who died fighting to free those ancestors are who deserve reparations. And deep, unending gratitude.
Love the comment; those who died fighting to free your ancestors!!!
At what point do the faithful say, “ENOUGH”! Of course having an impact on world affairs or politics would be expensive. In the case of the Church, it is cheap. A short (one page or less) anonymous …More
At what point do the faithful say, “ENOUGH”! Of course having an impact on world affairs or politics would be expensive. In the case of the Church, it is cheap. A short (one page or less) anonymous letter indicating one or two, a most, acts which are beyond the pale and that you are withholding donations until this nonsense stops. Then, don’t give. The secret is that the fixed costs for any church are high. Even a modest reduction in donations will be sorely felt, and quickly. Get with it people, ENOUGH!

Illinois bishops forbid promotion of petition seeking parental consent for minors' abortions, 'sex …

Thu Jan 11, 2024 - 9:04 pm ESTFri Jan 12, 2024 - 10:36 am EST (LifeSiteNews) — Multiple Illinois …
I see cardinal Cupich mentioned here but the article does not name any bishops.
Everyday for Life Canada
To be promoted a bishop has to be one of the sheep. That’s why so few are willing to speak out about anything to do with defending the faith.
One more comment
Cardinal Fernandez, along with many of the prelates of the church, need to hear and heed the words of Saint Alfonso de Ligouri. Their eternity is at stake.

On the Malice of Mortal Sin by St. Alphonsus (Sermon for the 1st Sun after Epiphany)

Listen to this episode from Defeat Modernism on Spotify. For more videos like this that are banned on YouTube please …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I don't think they care.
myunkie shares from
This very principle pronounced by Müller should now be applied backwards. Not only the current pontiff cannot revise Apostolic Tradition, but neither can any prior pope, nor the Synod on Synodality, …More
This very principle pronounced by Müller should now be applied backwards. Not only the current pontiff cannot revise Apostolic Tradition, but neither can any prior pope, nor the Synod on Synodality, nor any synod, council, pope or bishop. Debating if Francis “is” pope has its place, but irrespective of his status, no pope can revise (“develop”) Apostolic Tradition. His actions and pronouncements, wherever they add to or change the Apostolic Tradition, are simply null and void.
This was the bridge too far. I suspect it was pushed because of Francis’ ill health. They couldn’t wait for the Synod on Synodality to authorize the local synods to decide. So, they watered it down to a private, informal, nothing to see here, mere pastoral blessing. But like a single drop of poison in the punch, even weak bishops who went along with all of the nonsense from Rome for years, could not stomach blessing sodomy. No amount of word games could change what it really was.
These are people who have been …More

Sodoma Supplicans: The Pope Is Not the Word of God - Cardinal Müller

The worldwide outcry against homosexual blessings should make "those responsible in Rome" think, Cardinal Müller told on 5 January. Müller criticises Francis' pseudo-distinction between "…More
The worldwide outcry against homosexual blessings should make "those responsible in Rome" think, Cardinal Müller told on 5 January.
Müller criticises Francis' pseudo-distinction between "official liturgical blessings" and "private pastoral blessings" and the idea of a 15-second blessing with the sign of the cross while invoking the Holy Trinity.
"The priest must be careful that his blessing in the name of the Church is not exploited by secular-ideological and ecclesiastical-heretical pressure groups".
Most problematic for the Cardinal is Tucho Fernandez' claim that there has been a "real development" beyond what has already been said about blessings. A Roman dicastery cannot invent something by appealing to the personal will of the current Pope, Cardinal Müller explains:
"There is only one treasure of the Word of God, contained in Sacred Scripture, fully preserved and faithfully interpreted in the context of the Apostolic Tradition".
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsEookemwkyz
Opera 369
Cardinal Muller, speak it loudly, strongly and faithfully.... "this individual dressed in white" making up his own 'pacha-gospel' with the left hand of …More
Cardinal Muller, speak it loudly, strongly and faithfully.... "this individual dressed in white" making up his own 'pacha-gospel' with the left hand of that friend of his, pacha-Tucho.... IS NOT A POPE - especially of the Catholic Church! Until all Cardinals remain silent...there will be a continuation and fortification of this 'end of the earth' (near hell) anti-papacy, pacha-papacy, anti-Catholicism!!
myunkie shares from
Francis will not live to close the Synod. This is an extreme reversal from the process of letting the Synod on Synodality free local synods decide such things. But his discussion of his funeral and …More
Francis will not live to close the Synod. This is an extreme reversal from the process of letting the Synod on Synodality free local synods decide such things. But his discussion of his funeral and putting the blessing of Sodomy before the Synod closes is a clear sign that Francis does not expect to live more than a few months. He wanted to repay the Sodomy lobby for all their support before he goes.
But this was too soon. Without the mask of Synodality, the “Synodal Church” will split from the Catholic Church, bishop by bishop. As the Synodal Church dies, the Catholic Church will heal, slowly flushing out accumulated modernism. Becoming Apostolic again. Or so I think.

Festival of Heresy: Francis "Allows" Homosexual "Blessings"

Francis' lapdog, Tucho Fernández, published on 18 December a statement on the "Pastoral Significance of Blessings" co-signed by Francis. Tucho has been accused by Argentinean Sister Lucía Caram of …More
Francis' lapdog, Tucho Fernández, published on 18 December a statement on the "Pastoral Significance of Blessings" co-signed by Francis. Tucho has been accused by Argentinean Sister Lucía Caram of being a practising homosexual.
He claims to be offering a "broadening and enrichment" of the "Catholic" understanding of the blessings. However, he instead presents an absurdity that he sarcastically calls "a real development".
To deceive his audience, he first copied a few lines from the Catechism. Fernández correctly states that all sexual relations find their natural, proper and fully human meaning only in a marriage between a man and a woman, open to the procreation of children.
"The Church's teaching on this point remains firm," he says. Nevertheless, he suggests that a liturgical rite of homosexual "blessing" - the "blessing" of mortal sin - is possible. It should just not contradict the aforementioned truth or create confusion, what is precisely the case.
Tucho believes that the Church …More

Resting in the Apostolic Faith

Adapted from Babylon Bee Post.

I guess Paul was wrong…

When Paul wrote, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema,” he was admitting that he battled against principalities …More
When Paul wrote, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema,” he was admitting that he battled against principalities and powers and it was only the grace of God which preserved him, and it was not impossible that God’s permissive will may allow him to fall.
A valid Pope is not some magical creature, above humanity and, apparently, above sanctity. This pope stands against the Gospel of of Paul. We must treat him with kindness, for he is in desperate need of our prayers, but show no respect for any of his pronouncements which contradict Paul.
Paul made no provision for an “invalid Paul.” It didn’t matter to Paul and it should not matter to us. We cling to the Apostolic Tradition because our lives depend on it. We defend it against all who would distort it, no matter the “validity” of their role.

I wonder if this was sent by e-mule.

The foundation of the Synodal Church is that our problems today are not only different than the problems in the past, but incomparable with the problems of the past. Yet every evidence we have is that …More
The foundation of the Synodal Church is that our problems today are not only different than the problems in the past, but incomparable with the problems of the past. Yet every evidence we have is that the tools are different but the problems the same. People are fallen. Some sell sub-standard goods. Some write overly long complaint letters. We still have “Lovers of themselves, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, without affection, without peace, slanderers, incontinent, unmerciful, without kindness, traitors, stubborn, puffed up, and lovers of pleasures more than of God.
The problems haven’t changed and neither has the solution, for He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
How many have we stood against?
chris griffin
You missed the most important daily slaughter of the unborn. Make mothers free to murder their unborn babies.
myunkie shares from parangutirimicuaro
If it has not been clear lo these many years that the "Synodal Church" (variously called, "Church of the New Advent", "The Vatican II Church") has nothing in common with the One Catholic and Apostolic …More
If it has not been clear lo these many years that the "Synodal Church" (variously called, "Church of the New Advent", "The Vatican II Church") has nothing in common with the One Catholic and Apostolic Church, it is clear now. The essence of the Apostolic Church is that there are truths which are immutable which are revealed either through the Apostles and/or through creation itself. To make either type of truth subject to the "modern thought" is to lack the understanding of revelation and of reality. Such people should be pitied, helped if possible, otherwise ignored.
That statement specifically avoids saying that Francis is not Pope. It seems that such a legal determination is not in any of our capacities. However, we are instructed by Paul the Apostle, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema." Note that is making it clear that the role, rank, reputation or history of the person does not change the …More
Vatican says Transgender people can be Baptized Vatican says transgender people can be baptized ( Transgender people can be baptised and be godparents. The Vatican said Wednesday that …More
Vatican says Transgender people can be Baptized
Vatican says transgender people can be baptized (
Transgender people can be baptised and be godparents. The Vatican said Wednesday that transgender people can receive baptisms, expanding the Catholic Church’s acceptance of LGBTQ members.
The crucial change was not who could be baptized but who can be a godparent. The role of godparent is to assist in the brining up of the baptized in …More
The crucial change was not who could be baptized but who can be a godparent. The role of godparent is to assist in the brining up of the baptized in the faith. One needs to have the faith in order to support another in the faith. Having the faith includes the humility to accept God’s will in spite of your feelings and desires. Gender ideology directly contradicts that foundational principle.
John A Cassani
Anyone, who is not already baptized, can be baptized. But, if they have not truly renounced Satan, and all his works, and all his pomps, they do not …More
Anyone, who is not already baptized, can be baptized. But, if they have not truly renounced Satan, and all his works, and all his pomps, they do not receive sanctifying grace at the time of Baptism. They sin gravely by being baptized, in fact. They receive the baptismal character, no matter what, if they have been validly baptized, though.
myunkie shares from Temperance
“Major US companies gave 94% of new jobs to people of color.” This is an exceedingly misleading headline. It is read as if 94% of the jobs went to Blacks, Hispanics, etc. - There are 164 million jobs …More
“Major US companies gave 94% of new jobs to people of color.”
This is an exceedingly misleading headline. It is read as if 94% of the jobs went to Blacks, Hispanics, etc.
- There are 164 million jobs in the US.
- During 2021, there was a 0.2% increase in jobs (300K). Pretty lousy results for an economy which journalists tell us is not in a recession.
- Of the 8 million job openings in the US, 7.7 million were to replace retirees or people who quit. 300,000 were “new jobs.”
- The increase in employment by “persons of color,” a lot of those being the Asians, Indians major tech firms are importing, was about 282,000. No actual measure is made of how many of those people took “old jobs” vs. “new jobs.”
- So this is a case of journalistic malpractice.

Major US companies gave 94% of new jobs to people of color in 2021, report says

Production staff on the weekly fashion magazine, Grazia edit the magazine in a temporary office inside the Westfield shopping …
Just the posting of this in secular media shows they are pushing for this. I have worked many jobs where I have seen black people being hired just …More
Just the posting of this in secular media shows they are pushing for this. I have worked many jobs where I have seen black people being hired just because they were black. I had my life threated on the job by a black man and no one did anything about it even though he took out a knife. I was also slapped in the face by a black woman for saying she was lazy. I got a black eye and was told I was raciest for singling her out. There is defiantly a spirit of hate towards whites in this country and this article shows you a little of that. One would have to be blind not to see the hatred of whites in this country. My wife is Asian and we once worked in the same building. The minorities would approach her not knowing she was married to a white man telling her how evil white men are. I pray this hatred stops but unfortunately I see it getting worse in our society.
Hound of Heaven
Perhaps I am getting prickly with age, but I wholeheartedly resent being relegated to being a person of 'non-color' because my pigment doesn't meet the …More
Perhaps I am getting prickly with age, but I wholeheartedly resent being relegated to being a person of 'non-color' because my pigment doesn't meet the 'current fashion'. I am heartsick that we haven't gotten over our obsession with hues.
2 more comments
myunkie shares from Novena - Oremus
It seems a tremendous amount of thought, effort and prayer has gone into “if” Francis is Pope. It is a fair question but perhaps there is a different approach. Aquinas notes that one legitimately …More
It seems a tremendous amount of thought, effort and prayer has gone into “if” Francis is Pope. It is a fair question but perhaps there is a different approach. Aquinas notes that one legitimately disobeys a superior of that superior is giving instructions outside his area of authority. The Pope’s purpose and authority is to preserve and defend the deposit of faith which has been passed down from the Apostles. If the Pope gives advice on hygiene or auto speed limits, we would know, regardless of the “faith words” used in the presentation, that he speaks with no authority at all. By the same token, if a Pope’s words seek to change or expose the faith passed down from the Apostles to danger, we would also know to ignore him. It is no more disrespectful to the Pope to ignore the suggestion that what Peter and Paul taught was wrong than to ignore his advice on shampoo or skin cream.
To formulate a Synodal Church, that is, one which gives authority to local synods to revise the deposit of …More

Can we know if Pope Francis is an illegitimate pontiff? - LifeSite

The “Bergoglio problem” exists, and it is an increasingly evident and devastating problem for the entire Catholic Church. It not only …
Malki Tzedek
A pope is best identified by his complete commitment to Church doctrine, teaching, and the example of his predecessors who have done likewise. Bergoglio …More
A pope is best identified by his complete commitment to Church doctrine, teaching, and the example of his predecessors who have done likewise. Bergoglio doesn't meet that simple, but requisite, criteria.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is a great response, and I've read that millions of faithful Catholics, and even priests,religious, bishops and even Cardinals, are doing just this …More
This is a great response, and I've read that millions of faithful Catholics, and even priests,religious, bishops and even Cardinals, are doing just this...ignoring Pope Francis and his trying to build another form of Church.
He is an apostate and heretic, in love with homosexuality. Most of his associates are either pro-homo, or openly homo themselves, or "outed" as homo (Tucho Fernandez). We owe them nothing.
This is what happens when over 1/2 of your Parliament support theWorld Economic Forum agenda of killing 90% of the population.

Canada to legalize medically assisted dying for drug addicts

Canada is due to legalize euthanasia for people addicted to drugs next year in a move activists are comparing to 'eugenics'. When the country's …
@salliperson Plus depopulation by jabs...
First, control by contraception, then killing of the unborn (abortion), now euthanasia, next it will be for the hell of it.
An important insight when facing the usual tropes against common sense morality. I will have to remember this for Thanksgiving discussions.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I read that she is very interested in becoming a Catholic. That would be fantastic. Her speeches are always great 👏
One of the brightest lights of our time , hope she is received into the Church soon!

Lift your eyes..

The stained glass had historically lifted our souls to heaven and our minds to the saints. The Synodal Church lowers our minds to the worst of Earth and our souls to conflict. How much more obvious can …More
The stained glass had historically lifted our souls to heaven and our minds to the saints. The Synodal Church lowers our minds to the worst of Earth and our souls to conflict. How much more obvious can they make it?
myunkie shares from Irapuato
How in the world can one misinterpret that the Lord was generous to those who worked but an hour but not to those who worked not at all? He has indeed been marvelously generous to me, a latecomer to …More
How in the world can one misinterpret that the Lord was generous to those who worked but an hour but not to those who worked not at all? He has indeed been marvelously generous to me, a latecomer to the faith. He offers a chance of similar generosity to those “in the highways and byways” but only if they join the work in the vineyard. Woe to those who mislead the little ones in the faith.
Why be envious because I am generous? Homily for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. God’s indiscriminate and abundant generosity is extended to everybody, even to those rejected, to the outcasts …More
Why be envious because I am generous? Homily for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A.
God’s indiscriminate and abundant generosity is extended to everybody, even to those rejected, to the outcasts that nobody wants. It is amazing grace. Grace that can be calculated and expected is no longer grace. Whether we labour in the vineyard for one hour or twelve is not ultimately decisive. God gives salvation as an unmerited free gift, and not, as Pelagius would have, something we can achieve ourselves.
Well, this is good news. Many must be leaving for the mass of the ages. As Jesus said, “The wheat will be gathered into barns”. Perhaps there was no Aramaic word for school auditoriums and church …More
Well, this is good news. Many must be leaving for the mass of the ages. As Jesus said, “The wheat will be gathered into barns”. Perhaps there was no Aramaic word for school auditoriums and church basements. But we are indeed being gathered, away from the flames which are consuming the Synodal church.

Bishops of Panama: Catholics must not attend SSPX Masses

ACI Prensa Staff, Sep 18, 2023 / 18:00 pm The Panamanian Bishops’ Conference has published a communiqué stating that the Catholic faithful should …
Jeffrey Ade
@Chat Chartreux You are right! Thank you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Our modern(ist) dilemma

The Spinx’s other Riddle

What do you call a dish made with cold cuts, cheese, peppers and tomatoes which married its brother’s wife? Herod Antipas-toMore
What do you call a dish made with cold cuts, cheese, peppers and tomatoes which married its brother’s wife?
Herod Antipas-to