parangutirimicuaro shares from Irapuato
Prière á Ste Marie-Madeleine. SAINTE MARIE-MADELEINE Pénitente (Ier siècle) Marie Madeleine, soeur de Marthe et de Lazare, était d'une famille distinguée de Béthanie. Après la mort de ses parents,…More
Prière á Ste Marie-Madeleine.
(Ier siècle)
Marie Madeleine, soeur de Marthe et de Lazare, était d'une famille distinguée de Béthanie. Après la mort de ses parents, Marie avait reçu en héritage le château de Magdala, en Galilée, d'où lui vint le surnom de Madeleine, et elle y vivait dans le luxe et les plaisirs au point qu'elle devint le scandale de toute la Galilée, et qu'on ne la connut bientôt que sous le nom de la Pécheresse. En punition de ses débordements, elle fut possédée du démon jusqu'au jour où le Sauveur, lui remettant ses péchés, la délivra de la domination de Satan.
Dieu avait fait naître en ce coeur coupable le désir de voir Jésus; ce désir devait être son salut, car le Sauveur voulait donner en Madeleine un exemple frappant de Sa miséricorde infinie en même temps que de la plus parfaite pénitence. C'est elle qui, ayant un jour suivi le Seigneur chez Simon le Pharisien, versa sur les pieds de Jésus un vase de parfum précieux, les arrosa de …More
Prière á Ste Marie-Madeleine. SAINTE MARIE-MADELEINE Pénitente (Ier siècle) Marie Madeleine, soeur de Marthe et de Lazare, était d'une famille distinguée de Béthanie. Après la mort de ses parents,…More
Prière á Ste Marie-Madeleine.
(Ier siècle)
Marie Madeleine, soeur de Marthe et de Lazare, était d'une famille distinguée de Béthanie. Après la mort de ses parents, Marie avait reçu en héritage le château de Magdala, en Galilée, d'où lui vint le surnom de Madeleine, et elle y vivait dans le luxe et les plaisirs au point qu'elle devint le scandale de toute la Galilée, et qu'on ne la connut bientôt que sous le nom de la Pécheresse. En punition de ses débordements, elle fut possédée du démon jusqu'au jour où le Sauveur, lui remettant ses péchés, la délivra de la domination de Satan.
Dieu avait fait naître en ce coeur coupable le désir de voir Jésus; ce désir devait être son salut, car le Sauveur voulait donner en Madeleine un exemple frappant de Sa miséricorde infinie en même temps que de la plus parfaite pénitence. C'est elle qui, ayant un jour suivi le Seigneur chez Simon le Pharisien, versa sur les pieds de Jésus un vase de parfum précieux, les arrosa de …More
Críticas a la marcha de México provida católicosalgoquésaberMore
Críticas a la marcha de México provida
Por qué los mexicanos cantamos “Cielito Lindo” ante una dificultad? - N+ "Cielito lindo" no es mexicana y tiene origen español - México Desconocido ( Atribuida a Quirino …More
Por qué los mexicanos cantamos “Cielito Lindo” ante una dificultad? - N+
"Cielito lindo" no es mexicana y tiene origen español - México Desconocido (
Atribuida a Quirino Mendoza y considerada por muchos el segundo “himno” mexicano, Cielito lindo tiene un origen virreinal y a la tradición musical española de Andalucía. En aquella ciudad es donde está la nombrada Sierra Morena que refiere la canción.
Cielito lindo - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Day 52: Jesus In Hebron, Dothain, And Nazareth Father Edward Looney reads and comments on The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Day 52 Volume …More
Day 52: Jesus In Hebron, Dothain, And Nazareth
Father Edward Looney reads and comments on The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Day 52 Volume 1 JESUS BEGINS HIS PUBLIC TEACHING Chapter 3: Jesus In Hebron, Dothain, And Nazareth LEARN MORE - USE COUPON CODE ACE25 FOR 25% OFF • The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich Four-Book Set - • The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - • The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich Two-Book Set - • The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - • Mary Magdalen in the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - • The Mystical City of God Four-Book Set - • Our Lady of Good Help: Prayer Book for Pilgrims - …More
I Vescovi si impegnano sulle "Aree interne" 12PORTE - 22 luglio 2024: “Ci impegnamo a restare”: questa la parola d’ordine che sintetizza la riflessione avviata da un gruppo di vescovi italiani che si …More
I Vescovi si impegnano sulle "Aree interne"
12PORTE - 22 luglio 2024: “Ci impegnamo a restare”: questa la parola d’ordine che sintetizza la riflessione avviata da un gruppo di vescovi italiani che si sono riuniti il 16 e il 17 luglio a Benevento sulle aree interne del nostro Paese: un tema che riguarda anche la diocesi petroniana, con i suoi vasti territori appenninici e le zone della bassa bolognese e ferrarese. I Vescovi hanno ripreso le parole indirizzate dal Papa nel gennaio scorso all’Associazione per la Sussidiarietà e la Modernizzazione degli Enti Locali: “I piccoli Comuni, soprattutto quelli che fanno parte delle cosiddette Aree interne, e che sono la maggior parte, sono spesso trascurati e si trovano in condizione di marginalità. I cittadini che li abitano, una porzione significativa della popolazione, scontano divari importanti in termini di opportunità, e questo resta una fonte di disuguaglianza”. Zone estese e fragili, presenti da nord a sud in tutta Italia, che però custodiscono …More
Ucraina, missili e droni. Card. Parolin: calvario ma pace non impossibile In Ucraina purtroppo la guerra continua. Nel paese la visita del Cardinale Segretario di Stato Vaticano Pietro Parolin dove ieri …More
Ucraina, missili e droni. Card. Parolin: calvario ma pace non impossibile
In Ucraina purtroppo la guerra continua. Nel paese la visita del Cardinale Segretario di Stato Vaticano Pietro Parolin dove ieri ha presieduto la messa al santuario mariano di Berdychiv. Ed ha raccomandato ai fedeli di “non perdere la fiducia anche se sembra che il male abbia il sopravvento”.
694. Ceux qui viennent à Jésus à travers nous / Pierre Desroches - 28 juillet 2024 PIERRE DESROCHES a été ordonné prêtre en 1977 dans le diocèse de Montréal. Il est vicaire des paroisses du Bon-…More
694. Ceux qui viennent à Jésus à travers nous / Pierre Desroches - 28 juillet 2024
PIERRE DESROCHES a été ordonné prêtre en 1977 dans le diocèse de Montréal. Il est vicaire des paroisses du Bon-Pasteur et de Saint Claude (Ville de Laval au Québec).
Quand Marie Madeleine passe de charmante à priante En 1565 à Venise, Titien peint "Marie-Madeleine pénitente" et vient montrer l'évolution de cette femme, qui ne perd pas ses charmes mais qui gagne …More
Quand Marie Madeleine passe de charmante à priante
En 1565 à Venise, Titien peint "Marie-Madeleine pénitente" et vient montrer l'évolution de cette femme, qui ne perd pas ses charmes mais qui gagne beaucoup plus : l'amour de Dieu et l'espérance du ciel. ➡️ Plus d'informations sur : ⬅️ 👉 Pour nous soutenir et faire un don, rendez-vous sur Soutenez la mission d'aleteia (et réduisez vos impôts)
Passionsspiele Oberammergau: Neuer Auswahlprozess für Regisseur Passionsspiele in Oberammergau schon vier Mal inszeniert. Seine Auslegung des Lebens und Sterbens von Jesus Christus wurde mehrfach …More
Passionsspiele Oberammergau: Neuer Auswahlprozess für Regisseur
Passionsspiele in Oberammergau schon vier Mal inszeniert. Seine Auslegung des Lebens und Sterbens von Jesus Christus wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet und spielte Millionen in die Gemeindekasse. So kam die Nachricht für viele wie ein Paukenschlag: Zum ersten Mal in der 400-jährigen Geschichte der Passionsspiele soll die Spielleitung in einem Bewerbungsverfahren bestimmt werden, das hat der Gemeinderat beschlossen. Stückl fühlt sich angegriffen und vermutet, der Gemeinderat wolle ihn in die Schranken weisen. Denn nicht jedem hat sein Auftreten und seine Interpretation der Passion gefallen. Der Bürgermeister sagt, er wolle nur mit der Zeit gehen und die Stelle transparent vergeben. Was geht da vor sich, hinter den Oberammergauer Kulissen? Mehr von quer: ARD Mediathek: quer beim BR:
Kautschuk-Gewinnung für Autoreifen: Löwenzahn statt Baumplantagen Zuchtpflanzen sind gefragte Güter: für den pharmazeutischen Bereich oder die Industrie. Die Firma Eskusa aus Parkstetten (Landkreis …More
Kautschuk-Gewinnung für Autoreifen: Löwenzahn statt Baumplantagen
Zuchtpflanzen sind gefragte Güter: für den pharmazeutischen Bereich oder die Industrie. Die Firma Eskusa aus Parkstetten (Landkreis Straubing-Bogen) ist hier ganz vorne mit dabei und züchtet zum Beispiel Löwenzahn. Und der hat vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten.
Mega-Mond Es ist ein beeindruckendes Naturschauspiel, das sich gerade am Himmel zeigt. Der sogenannte „Heumond“. Er bringt den Nachthimmel zum Strahlen. bildMore
Es ist ein beeindruckendes Naturschauspiel, das sich gerade am Himmel zeigt. Der sogenannte „Heumond“. Er bringt den Nachthimmel zum Strahlen.
Herr Konrad
Wenn der Mond immer näher kommt, und zum greifen nahe ist, dann kommt eine Veränderung. 🤔
Bei uns in den Bergen konnte man -zig Mondunter-und aufgänge nach Bergeshöhe...war schön zu beobachten wie schnell der Mond eigentlich …More
Bei uns in den Bergen konnte man -zig Mondunter-und aufgänge nach Bergeshöhe...war schön zu beobachten wie schnell der Mond eigentlich wandert.... 🤗
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parangutirimicuaro shares from Irapuato
Beata María Inés Teresa del Santísimo Sacramento, fundadora - el 22 de julio fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 22 de julio n.: 1904 - †: 1981 - país: Italia otras formas del nombre: Arias …More
Beata María Inés Teresa del Santísimo Sacramento, fundadora - el 22 de julio
fecha de inscripción en el santoral:
22 de julio
n.: 1904 - †: 1981 - país: Italia
otras formas del nombre: Arias Espinosa
canonización: B: Benedicto XVI 21 abr 2012
hagiografía: Congregación
En Roma, beata María Inés Teresa del Santísimo Sacramento, que fundó en México las congregaciones de Misioneras Clarisas del Santísimo Sacramento y de Misioneros de Cristo para la Iglesia Universal.
Tomado de la Autobiografía de la Sierva de Dios y de sus Notas Intimas, encontradas después de su muerte: Nací en Ixtlán del Río, Nayarit, México el 7 julio de 1904. Fui la quinta de ocho hijos. Mi madre, una mujer toda de su hogar, inteligente, llena de prudencia, de una sensibilidad exquisita. Cuánto era querida de pobres y ricos. Mi padre, ocupando siempre puestos públicos, no se desdeñaba jamás de que lo vieran en la iglesia rodeado de su familia, su esposa y 8 hijos. Iba a fiestas familiares, paseos y otras …More
Beata María Inés Teresa Arias Espinosa - el 22 de julio. diócesistv Beata María Inés Teresa del Santísimo Sacramento (Manuelita de Jesús) María Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa (conocida como …More
Beata María Inés Teresa Arias Espinosa - el 22 de julio.
diócesistv Beata María Inés Teresa del Santísimo Sacramento (Manuelita de Jesús) María Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa (conocida como Manuelita) nació el 7 de julio de 1904 en la localidad mexicana de Ixtlán del Río, Nayarit. Fue la quinta de ocho hermanos. Su padre era juez del distrito, y eso supuso un constante trasiego para la familia que vivió en distintos lugares. Ello le permitió amasar experiencias en Tepic, Mazatlán, Guadalajara y otras ciudades; fueron etapas fragmentadas de su vida abierta a nuevos y enriquecedores horizontes. Creció sin denostar las lisonjas, en medio de un ambiente sano, y un sentimiento contradictorio ante el íntimo regocijo por las atenciones que recibía, y el vacío que estos gestos banales, desprovistos de contenido, dejaban en su corazón. Durante un tiempo trabajó en una entidad bancaria.
En 1924 su alma iba deslizándose por un sendero, aún desconocido, pero prometedor por cuanto no le permitía …More
parangutirimicuaro shares from Irapuato
July 22 - Saint Mary Magdalene & Madre Inés.More
July 22 - Saint Mary Magdalene & Madre Inés.
July 22 Saint Mary Magdalene & Madre Inés. In the Visions of Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick: 1. The Family of Lazarus, Martha and Magdalen The parents of Lazarus had in all fifteen children, of whom …More
July 22 Saint Mary Magdalene & Madre Inés.
In the Visions of Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick:
1. The Family of Lazarus, Martha and Magdalen
The parents of Lazarus had in all fifteen children, of whom six died young. Of the nine that survived, only four were living at the time of Christ’s teaching. These four were: Lazarus; Martha, about two years younger; Mary, looked upon as a simpleton, two years younger than Martha; and Mary Magdalen, five years younger than the simpleton. The simpleton is not named in Scripture, not reckoned among the Lazarus family; but she is known to God. She was always put aside in her family, and lived altogether unknown...Lazarus ...looked much older than Jesus; he appeared to me to be fully eight years His senior. Lazarus had large possessions, landed property, gardens, and many servants. Martha had her own house, and another sister named Mary, who lived entirely alone, had also her separate dwelling. Magdalen lived in her castle at Magdalum. Lazarus was …More
Billy FMore
Billy F
parangutirimicuaro shares from Irapuato
Blessed Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa - July 22More
Blessed Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa - July 22
Blessed Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa - July 22 Also known as Sister María Inés Teresa of the Blessed Sacrament Manuelita (nickname) Memorial 22 July Profile Fifth of eight children in her family.…More
Blessed Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa - July 22
Also known as
Sister María Inés Teresa of the Blessed Sacrament
Manuelita (nickname)
22 July

Fifth of eight children in her family. Nun, entering the monastery of the Hail Mary in Los Angeles, California in 1929, making her perpetual vows on 14 December 1933 and living a cloistered life. Founder of the Congregations of the Poor Clare Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in August 1945 in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico; it received papal approval in 1949 and 1951. Founder of the Missionaries of Christ for the Universal Church. By the time of her death she was over-seeing 36 missionary houses in 14 countries. Over 6,000 of her writings survive. Born 7 July 1904 in Ixtlán del Rio, Nayarit, Mexico Died 22 July 1981 in Rome, Italy of natural causes Venerated 3 April 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI (decree of heroic virtues) Beatified 21 April 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI “Blessed Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa“. CatholicSaints.Info …More
Joe Biden pulls out of 2024 US presidential race skynews In a development that sends the contest into unchartered territory, the US president announced that he will no longer be seeking a second term.…More
Joe Biden pulls out of 2024 US presidential race
In a development that sends the contest into unchartered territory, the US president announced that he will no longer be seeking a second term. Read more: Joe Biden pulls out of 2024 US presidential race
È stato il più grande onore della mia vita servire come presidente. E anche se era mia intenzione cercare la rielezione, credo che sia nel miglior …More
È stato il più grande onore della mia vita servire come presidente.
E anche se era mia intenzione cercare la rielezione, credo che sia nel miglior interesse del mio partito e del Paese di ritirami e concentrarmi solamente sui mai compiti come presidente per il resto del mandato".
Lo afferma Joe Biden in una lettera postata su X.
Joe Biden pulls out of 2024 US presidential race skynews In a development that sends the contest into unchartered territory, the US president announced that he will no longer be seeking a second term.…More
Joe Biden pulls out of 2024 US presidential race
In a development that sends the contest into unchartered territory, the US president announced that he will no longer be seeking a second term. Read more: Joe Biden pulls out of 2024 US presidential race
martin fischer....What happened to your great link?? ... some states don't permit write-in candidates (either generally or in primaries) or require …More
martin fischer....What happened to your great link??
... some states don't permit write-in candidates (either generally or in primaries) or require them to register ahead of an election to have votes cast for them counted. Moreover, write-in candidates or even current contenders like Phillips and Williamson could struggle to get enough votes to reach the 15 percent of the vote that Democrats require for candidates to pick up delegates at the state or district level. Their ability to hit that 15 percent mark would depend in part on the level of support Biden attracted — he would remain on the ballot in many places — as well as whether a state has an "uncommitted" option on the ballot that voters could flock to.
In sum, it would be very difficult for any candidate to clinch a delegate majority in this scenario, meaning that the nominee would be decided at the convention.
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Präsident Joe Biden verzichtet auf erneute KandidaturMore
Präsident Joe Biden verzichtet auf erneute Kandidatur
President Joe Biden drops out of the 2024 race President Joe Biden drops out of the 2024 race after disastrous debate inflamed age concerns ( WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden dropped …More
President Joe Biden drops out of the 2024 race
President Joe Biden drops out of the 2024 race after disastrous debate inflamed age concerns (
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House on Sunday, ending his bid for reelection following a disastrous debate with Donald Trump that raised doubts about his fitness for office just four months before the election.
The decision comes after escalating pressure from Biden’s Democratic allies to step aside following the June 27 debate, in which the 81-year-old president trailed off, often gave nonsensical answers and failed to call out the former president’s many falsehoods.
Biden plans to serve out the remainder of his term in office, which ends at noon on Jan. 20, 2025.
“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to …More
President Joe Biden drops out of the 2024 race President Joe Biden drops out of the 2024 race after disastrous debate inflamed age concerns ( WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden dropped …More
President Joe Biden drops out of the 2024 race
President Joe Biden drops out of the 2024 race after disastrous debate inflamed age concerns (
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House on Sunday, ending his bid for reelection following a disastrous debate with Donald Trump that raised doubts about his fitness for office just four months before the election.
The decision comes after escalating pressure from Biden’s Democratic allies to step aside following the June 27 debate, in which the 81-year-old president trailed off, often gave nonsensical answers and failed to call out the former president’s many falsehoods.
Biden plans to serve out the remainder of his term in office, which ends at noon on Jan. 20, 2025.
“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to …More
parangutirimicuaro shares this
Präsident Joe Biden verzichtet auf erneute KandidaturMore
Präsident Joe Biden verzichtet auf erneute Kandidatur
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Jenny McCarthy gibt zu, einen Gegenstand aus der Wohnung des Papstes gestohlen zu habenMore
Jenny McCarthy gibt zu, einen Gegenstand aus der Wohnung des Papstes gestohlen zu haben
Jenny McCarthy confesses she stole an item from the Pope's apartment Jenny McCarthy confesses she stole this item from the Pope's apartment ( "I was invited [to the Vatican] when I was in …More
Jenny McCarthy confesses she stole an item from the Pope's apartment
Jenny McCarthy confesses she stole this item from the Pope's apartment (
"I was invited [to the Vatican] when I was in Italy, I was there for an eyeglass party or whatever, and they were like, 'Do you want to go meet the Pope? Actually, the Pope's not in town, but we can go in his apartment.' I was like, 'What?' So we went, we literally at midnight went in the back of the Vatican and I went in his apartment and his hallways," she explained. "I tried on his hat. It was crazy," she continued, adding that she didn't know anything was taken until later. "It's a whole story but my girlfriend came with me and when I got home in the hotel room, she goes, 'I know your mom loves the Pope so much, so I stole her...'"
Sven Christian Köhler
Da steppt der Papst im Kettenhemd…JOKE! 😉 Du sollst nicht stehlen! (Stichwort:10 Gebote)More
Da steppt der Papst im Kettenhemd…JOKE! 😉
Du sollst nicht stehlen! (Stichwort:10 Gebote)
Jenny McCarthy confesses she stole an item from the Pope's apartment Jenny McCarthy confesses she stole this item from the Pope's apartment ( "I was invited [to the Vatican] when I was in …More
Jenny McCarthy confesses she stole an item from the Pope's apartment
Jenny McCarthy confesses she stole this item from the Pope's apartment (
"I was invited [to the Vatican] when I was in Italy, I was there for an eyeglass party or whatever, and they were like, 'Do you want to go meet the Pope? Actually, the Pope's not in town, but we can go in his apartment.' I was like, 'What?' So we went, we literally at midnight went in the back of the Vatican and I went in his apartment and his hallways," she explained. "I tried on his hat. It was crazy," she continued, adding that she didn't know anything was taken until later. "It's a whole story but my girlfriend came with me and when I got home in the hotel room, she goes, 'I know your mom loves the Pope so much, so I stole her...'"
Billy F
One of the many CINOS!!!
parangutirimicuaro shares this
Jenny McCarthy gibt zu, einen Gegenstand aus der Wohnung des Papstes gestohlen zu habenMore
Jenny McCarthy gibt zu, einen Gegenstand aus der Wohnung des Papstes gestohlen zu haben
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