Gloria.TV News on the 27th of April 2015 Yesterday, Pope Francis ordained in Saint Peter’s 19 deacons to the priesthood. Only three of them came from the Seminary of the Pope’s diocese, which formally …More
Gloria.TV News on the 27th of April 2015

Yesterday, Pope Francis ordained in Saint Peter’s 19 deacons to the priesthood. Only three of them came from the Seminary of the Pope’s diocese, which formally has over 2.3 Million Catholics. The rest of the newly ordained priests belonged to the Neocatechumenal Way or to religious communities.

Sacrilege: The Episcopalian Governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner, was allowed to receive Holy Communion at Cardinal George's Funeral Mass which was celebrated by his successor Archbishop Cupich. Rauner is a remarried divorcee, and a supporter of homosex-unions and abortion.

Aborting the Church: Last Thursday U.S. presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton praised abortion laws at the Women in the World Summit in New York City. She claimed that deep-seated religious beliefs have to be changed – in order to enforce these criminal laws. Catholic League’s Bill Donohue comments: “Never before have we seen a presidential candidate be this bold about directly confronting the Catholic Church’s teachings on abortion.”

Shame on the Bishop: The Black Hermits, consisting of two Brothers and a Sister, who have lived in a presbytery in the Northampton diocese, England, since 2011 have been given only three months to find a new home. One of them, Brother Damon Kelly, has been arrested 10 times, had a bucket of water thrown over him and has been pushed over in the street, because he travels the country giving out leaflets criticizing homosexuality and abortion. Bishop Peter Doyle of Northampton, who invited the hermits, now claimed that the Hermits had – quote - “brought the diocese into disrepute”.
It is a mistake for the Black Hermits to suppose, owing to Brother Damon Kelly's shocking rudeness, that they could perform this task of protesting abortion in such a careless manner. One can be quite willing to admit to the merits of protesting abortion, yet even that must be done thoughtfully and prayerfully with genuine zeal to God. Brother Kelly’s labor presupposes labor of another kind, that …More
It is a mistake for the Black Hermits to suppose, owing to Brother Damon Kelly's shocking rudeness, that they could perform this task of protesting abortion in such a careless manner. One can be quite willing to admit to the merits of protesting abortion, yet even that must be done thoughtfully and prayerfully with genuine zeal to God. Brother Kelly’s labor presupposes labor of another kind, that of the disobedient and proud; and for that reason he labors in vain, he fails utterly to touch anyone’s heart. How can Brother Kelly think that he can point out to others how to shape their conduct when others are moved to shun and detest his conduct. Rightly does the most wise Bishop Doyle put an end to their error, which should be apparant to all.

The Black Hermits are not making a good or useful example in their diocese; being arrested 10 times would not lead others to frequent the sacraments, to pray, or to take part in any religious exercises. By their behavior they seem to be living more in the world than in prayer; upon a little reflection this should be apparent to all. The Bishop is trying to keep a high standard of faith and morals …More
The Black Hermits are not making a good or useful example in their diocese; being arrested 10 times would not lead others to frequent the sacraments, to pray, or to take part in any religious exercises. By their behavior they seem to be living more in the world than in prayer; upon a little reflection this should be apparent to all. The Bishop is trying to keep a high standard of faith and morals in the diocese and the Black Hermits are the reason and cause for religious decadence. Rarely are things so clear.

😇 ✍️ 🤦
One more comment from Gregory
It sounds as if someone has not been playing well with the authorities and has been practicing disobedience. In the fourth commandment of God we should honor our parents; and by that commandment it is our duty to have the same regard for our ecclesiastical and secular authorities.
One of the Black Hermits, Brother Damon Kelly, has been arrested 10 times; which fully proves that he is not fulfilling …More
It sounds as if someone has not been playing well with the authorities and has been practicing disobedience. In the fourth commandment of God we should honor our parents; and by that commandment it is our duty to have the same regard for our ecclesiastical and secular authorities.

One of the Black Hermits, Brother Damon Kelly, has been arrested 10 times; which fully proves that he is not fulfilling the commands of his secular superiors; perhaps, in like manner, Brother Damon Kelly did not fulfill the commands of his ecclesiastical superior either. One would have to expect severe consequences for Brother Damon Kelly if this be the case. No good act or even virtue is acceptable to God if it is marred by the stain of disobedience. Perhaps a more fitting title to this headline would be Shame on The Black Hermits!

😇 🙏
I would have my doubts about Bishop Doyle. To expulse somebody out of the diocese is not a regular punishment. If the Hermits have done something wrong, he should have punished them according to Canon Law. Kicking them out of the diocese looks to me a lot like another bishop who tries to save his skin by throwing somebody else into the arena.
The PEGIDA followers go on the street, because the "human rights"-politicians and the roman church officials don´t do it.
It is becoming increasingly clear that their so-called human rights applies not to religious freedom for Christians, women and children, but for a limited part as the monoculture of Islam.
These "multi-culti" and "human-rights" representatives don´t condemn the many murders and …More
The PEGIDA followers go on the street, because the "human rights"-politicians and the roman church officials don´t do it.
It is becoming increasingly clear that their so-called human rights applies not to religious freedom for Christians, women and children, but for a limited part as the monoculture of Islam.
These "multi-culti" and "human-rights" representatives don´t condemn the many murders and acts of violence against the european citizens, but spread lies against the PEGIDA-followers, who stand up against it.
We are against all violence-prone, totalitarian, intolerant, racist and fascist regimes and terrorists, who violate the freedom and the dignity of peaceful citizens - and
and we are against the traitors of the people!


Geert Wilders, the founder of the Party of Freedom of the Netherlands, was two weeks ago in Dresden and gave a speech at the PEGIDA event. He said:

"Look at all the countries where Islam is dominant. Look at Saudi-Arabia, Iran, Pakistan. Non-Muslims, Christians, Jews, women, gays and apostates are treated there as inferior. They are being humiliated, persecuted, and even murdered. That is exactly what we are fighting against...
We have enough of the political correctness.
We have enough of the Islamization of our societies.
We stand for freedom, for the truth.
And we want to live in freedom and in the truth...
We worry because we have read the Koran.
In verse 9:29 it states that it is OK to fight Jews and Christians.
In verse 4:89 it instructs Muslims to kill anyone who leaves Islam...
We worry because in the past months, we have seen thousands of homegrown youths leave our countries to join the Islamic State.

We worry because we have seen how many of these jihadists have returned to Europe, and most of them have not been imprisoned.
They currently roam our streets like ticking time bombs.

We cannot afford to do nothing. We have to do something.

Every citizen is responsible for the preservation of our liberties.
Everyone of you must wherever he or she can raise the awareness of his or her fellow citizens.
Germany cannot be warned enough against Islamization.

Not all the Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims.
We worry because we know where they find their inspiration.
We know the book they read...
If you love Germany, then raise the alarm.
If you love your husband or wife, then raise the alarm.
If you love your children, then raise the alarm.

Warn your neighbors, your colleagues, your friends for the danger of Islamization, a danger to your country, your liberty, your partner, your children.

In the past decades, Europe has been confronted with burkas, "honor" murderer, female genital mutilation, polygamy, the killing of apostates.
All over Europe, Mega mosques are being built, while in Saudi-Arabia the first Church still needs to be built...
We are the turn.
We are the voice of the people.
We are the torch bearers for freedom.
We are the torch bearers for democracy.
We are the torch bearers for our own civilization.

We must be brave. That is what we must do. Be brave. That is our duty.

I ask you: Do "our leaders "that?
No, they don't.
They don't do their duty.
They even lie to us.

Every day, we hear the same mantra that Islam is a religion of peace. After every atrocity committed in the name of Islam, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel and my own Prime Minister rush to the television cameras to declare that these acts have noting to do with Islam.
How stupid do they think we are?

Most of "our politicians" look away. But we will not be silent. Because we are the people – the people that refuses to be enslaved...!"
These are the same godless views of the Torture-President Barack Hussein Obama - like his predecessors Bush etc.
They are paid by the idolaters of the United Nations, precise the financial Olygarchy.
Their ultimate goal is the extinction of Christianity through abolition of the Christian values, and the relentless reduction of the world's population through abortion and war-mongering.
These are the same godless views of the Torture-President Barack Hussein Obama - like his predecessors Bush etc.
They are paid by the idolaters of the United Nations, precise the financial Olygarchy.
Their ultimate goal is the extinction of Christianity through abolition of the Christian values, and the relentless reduction of the world's population through abortion and war-mongering.

You cannot expect from somebody who defends abortion that he/she thinks things to the end...
One thing i hope and pray is that this woman never be the President of USA .Did she ever question herself why her mother didn,t abort her ?