Gloria.TV News on the 24th of April 2015 Hated For Being Catholic: The true reason why Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City-Saint Joseph was sacked on April 21 is obvious: He was a Catholic. Since assuming …More
Gloria.TV News on the 24th of April 2015

Hated For Being Catholic: The true reason why Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City-Saint Joseph was sacked on April 21 is obvious: He was a Catholic. Since assuming his diocese in 2005 he has been the subject of vitriol for running the diocese in union with the Church.

Hammer: The pre-Finn liberal days in the diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph were grim. One Kansas City woman described her horror when during his homily, a priest smashed the high altar with a hammer.

Danger: During Bishop Finn’s tenure the diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph experienced explosive growth in vocations, he opened the cause for canonization of a religious sister, and oversaw the building of two new churches. The danger is big that Rome will now name a liberal who will destroy in short time what Bishop Finn has built up.

Miscarriage of Justice: Bishop Finn’s conviction for alleged failure to report suspected child abuse was a gross miscarriage of justice. Influential residents of his diocese helped drive the investigation. The statute under which Finn was charged did not apply in his case, and he almost certainly would have won a reversal on appeal. But Finn did not want to drag the name of his diocese through the media again.

No Breach Of Duty: Bishop Finn took the case of the child-porn-priest who let to his downfall, seriously. Otherwise the problem would have been ignored altogether, because no one ever called Finn’s office on the case and without Bishop Finn the authorities would never have known about it.

Forever Grateful: The community of the Old Rite Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, thanks retired bishop Finn: “We will be forever grateful to Bishop Robert Finn for his spiritual fatherhood of our community. It is through his paternal solicitude that our life of prayer has been made possible.”
The Catholic Church and the Catholic have always been hated and under persecution. During the first three centuries of the Church there were ten persecutions. We remain hated and persecuted today; by the world, by Islam, Heretics, Protestants, and by those dividing our Lord's fold calling themselves traditional Catholics, Liberal Catholics, and Neo Catholics. Yet, the Catholic Church is indestructible …More
The Catholic Church and the Catholic have always been hated and under persecution. During the first three centuries of the Church there were ten persecutions. We remain hated and persecuted today; by the world, by Islam, Heretics, Protestants, and by those dividing our Lord's fold calling themselves traditional Catholics, Liberal Catholics, and Neo Catholics. Yet, the Catholic Church is indestructible; for Christ said: “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 15:18).

un hijo de maria
Very nice!!!
On Earth, and in Purgatory, and in Heaven
A beautiful name to be known by.
adeste fideles
Christian Vanneste: Charles Péguy decía que quien no dice la verdad cuando la conoce se convierte en cómplice de los mentirosos y falsarios.
Gracias GloriaTv, que Dios siga conservándote en la Verdad, pésele a quien le pese.
Amén !More
Christian Vanneste: Charles Péguy decía que quien no dice la verdad cuando la conoce se convierte en cómplice de los mentirosos y falsarios.

Gracias GloriaTv, que Dios siga conservándote en la Verdad, pésele a quien le pese.
Amén !
atreverse pensar
Horror! This is a shame. A war against Catholic.
Where are all the Catholic Men?
They are all off running sissy Catholic blogs claiming to be Catholic Warriors, they are droning on incessantly about all the problems, giving their expert views on every little details.
Reminds me of King Saul's warriors that just stood watching Goliath.
"Lord, please send a woman to shame us Catholic men into action as you once sent Judith, and Saint Joan of Arc" …More
Where are all the Catholic Men?

They are all off running sissy Catholic blogs claiming to be Catholic Warriors, they are droning on incessantly about all the problems, giving their expert views on every little details.

Reminds me of King Saul's warriors that just stood watching Goliath.

"Lord, please send a woman to shame us Catholic men into action as you once sent Judith, and Saint Joan of Arc"

Dr Bobus
Sad but inevitable.
Bp Finn inherited huge problems from his two predecessors. Bp Sullivan (1977-93) was a perfidious liberal who endorsed the idea of parishes without priests: Have centralized priests consecrate enough hosts to last for weeks, then let laymen or religious sisters preside at Communion services. Mass as Sacrifice then disappears as Communal Meals describe the Eucharist.
Bp Boland …More
Sad but inevitable.

Bp Finn inherited huge problems from his two predecessors. Bp Sullivan (1977-93) was a perfidious liberal who endorsed the idea of parishes without priests: Have centralized priests consecrate enough hosts to last for weeks, then let laymen or religious sisters preside at Communion services. Mass as Sacrifice then disappears as Communal Meals describe the Eucharist.

Bp Boland took over from Bp Sullivan in 1993 and retired in 2005. He was not a liberal dunce like Bp Sullivan but was weak and left a diocese in disarray.
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