
Mostar Bishop Again: All Apparitions in Medjugorje Are Not Credible

Bishop Ratko Perić of Mostar-Duvno, Bosnia and Herzegovina,has told Pope Francis' special envoy to Medjugorje, Archbishop Henryk Hoser, that all alleged apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje are not …More
Bishop Ratko Perić of Mostar-Duvno, Bosnia and Herzegovina,has told Pope Francis' special envoy to Medjugorje, Archbishop Henryk Hoser, that all alleged apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje are not credible.
According to the Mostar-Duvno diocesan website (July 23) Perić based his judgment “on the basis of numerous investigations”.
“The non-credible apparitions of the ‘Medjugorje phenomenon’ include those in the first seven or ten days of 1981”, he added.
In summer 2017 a Vatican commission suggested to recognise the first seven apparitions as allegedly supernatural.
VRS/ Anty_modernista tutaj więcej o spotkaniu Abp. Hosera z Biskupem Ratko Perićem.
[www.md-tm.ba/clanci/mostar-meeting-…] i analiza pierwszych 7 dni 'objawień. [www.md-tm.ba/clanci/first-seven-day…]
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