Shut up you stupid goy!

Congress gives Netanyahu 70 standing ovations - Tells Congress to stop applauding and listen - video

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Jeffrey Ade shares this
Shut up you stupid goy!
Bidi talks to his adoring fans and they love him to death. The ignore the outright genocide happening in Gaza. The only reason Bibi can wage war is that America funds and provides weapons. What a disgrace!
Every American politician including Trump are beholden to their master. It sickens me to see these puppets standing 70 times for a foreign country.
Alex A
@Sean Johnson I know you are a devotee of your idol Bishop Williamson, but come on, as I often have pointed out to others of a similar mindset as your good self, be it 2million, 3 million, 4 million or what ever million you choose, what Hitler and his fellow Nazi's unleashed on humanity, particularly on the Jews, was unforgiveable. Period! Joking about it doesn't make it less so. A man of your …More
@Sean Johnson I know you are a devotee of your idol Bishop Williamson, but come on, as I often have pointed out to others of a similar mindset as your good self, be it 2million, 3 million, 4 million or what ever million you choose, what Hitler and his fellow Nazi's unleashed on humanity, particularly on the Jews, was unforgiveable. Period! Joking about it doesn't make it less so. A man of your obvious intelligence would {if only the blinkers were removed} be equally disparaging of the Nazi's as any other person with empathy and compassion for his fellow man is, regardless of their ethnicity or religion.
Sean Johnson
I don’t know how you know of me, but has it ever occurred to you that not only do the Zionists embrace precisely the same blood worship as their Nazi enemies, but they also practice precisely the same ethnic cleansing solution (Palestine, and here in this speech calling for the obliteration of Iran)? If blood worship (condemned by Pius XII) and ethnic cleansing are wrong for Nazi Germany, …More
I don’t know how you know of me, but has it ever occurred to you that not only do the Zionists embrace precisely the same blood worship as their Nazi enemies, but they also practice precisely the same ethnic cleansing solution (Palestine, and here in this speech calling for the obliteration of Iran)? If blood worship (condemned by Pius XII) and ethnic cleansing are wrong for Nazi Germany, are they not also wrong for the Zionists?
Sean Johnson
Are you sure it wasn’t 6,000,000?
Mary 17
Only 70