Transvestite Performs at Francis' World Children’s Day'

A transvestite danced for young children during Francis' 'World Children's Day' on 25 May at Rome's Olympic Stadium.

The man from Salerno, Carmine De Rosa, presented himself as a quick-change artist, appearing as a woman und wore different women's dresses and red lipstick while the children sat in a circle around him.

After an international backlash, De Rosa defended his show on TikTok, saying his job was to bring smiles to children and beyond, "and I succeeded".

He clarified that he was officially invited [otherwise he would not have been there]: "I would like to point out, after reading the comments, that I was wanted at this event because of the kind of show I do on stage."

De Rosa is well known in Italy for his regular appearances on state television. Not he is the problem but the ones who presently govern in the Vatican.


Alejandrina Reyes
Is this information seriously confirmed?
That is not the Vatican .
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Bergoglio and his accomplice Enzo Fortunato promote child perversion.
Tony M
Absolutely SCANDALOUS!!!! How much more scandal can Jorge generate before people realise it is impossible that he is the Pope. He does and says things which are precisely the opposite of the actions of a True & Holy Pope???
I knew some perverted madness would be unleashed as a part of this. It’s impossible for the Vatican to engage in or partake of anything youth or children related without injecting or embracing some sort of vile abomination and degenerate filthiness. As I said when this travesty was first kicked off: get the millstones ready.
Ivan Tomas
Of course this pervert sodomite is a problem too!
But the perverts in Vatican a much bigger problem, indeed!
Michele Sasi
Ask Father Enzo Fortunato, he is the organizer of the event
Sembra che oramai la moda sia questa, sacerdoti in…