
Jacques Hamel, martyr - Strong condemnation of Pope Francis' lack of response

JUL 27, 2016 by HILARY WHITE This is from Antonio Socci: “This priest who has refused to kneel in the face of Islamic violence; unlike the Church of surrender, the Church of timidity, the Bergoglian …More
JUL 27, 2016 by HILARY WHITE
This is from Antonio Socci:
“This priest who has refused to kneel in the face of Islamic violence; unlike the Church of surrender, the Church of timidity, the Bergoglian Church.”
The outrage of a priest being murdered in his church while saying Mass is hardly new. In fact, as has been pointed out, it happens all the time in the places where Christians are being persecuted in Muslim majority countries. I suppose now we must simply admit that France has become one of those places.
But the pope’s disgusting, limpwristed response – decrying “hatred in all forms” has really got a lot of people seeing red.
Is there nothing, no outrage against the faithful that will prompt this man to defend his flock? Short of actually feeding the sheep to the wolves by hand, it’s hard to imagine a pastor so indifferent.
My friend Riccardo Cascioli, editor of La Nuova Bussola Quotdiniana wrote:
“As has become a reflex, all media have immediately said that it was two people with …More
la verdad prevalece
Unfortunately this priest was a modernist, who played with fire and get burned, who give away the properties that belong to God and his Church to build a mosque , where his executioner were radicalized.
Rest in peace Jacques Hamel ,another
martyr,I pray that your death is not in vain ,and I hope the world sees the truth,and brings back Catholics to the Church.amenMore
Rest in peace Jacques Hamel ,another

martyr,I pray that your death is not in vain ,and I hope the world sees the truth,and brings back Catholics to the Church.amen
To be honest, we should also say that the Jihad has been instigated, armed and organized by the West. In Palestina, Syria, Libya and Iraq the West has brought down or tried to bring down governments under which no "Jihad" existed. So the West should not be overly hypocritical about what is going on at the moment.