Pope Francis Receives Enemy of the Church. Culpable Silence: Last week the Italian parliament approved a law introducing assisted suicide accompanied by the total silence of Pope Francis and almost …More
Pope Francis Receives Enemy of the Church.

Culpable Silence: Last week the Italian parliament approved a law introducing assisted suicide accompanied by the total silence of Pope Francis and almost all of the Italian bishops. One of the most virulent proponents of the unjust law was Emma Bonino, a former abortionist who has been for many decades a diabolical presence in Italian politics. Pope Francis produced an Italy wide scandal when in February 2016 he called her – quote – “one of the big ones in today’s Italy”. When the law was passed Bonino, sitting in the Italian Senate, was shedding tears of joy.

Golden Handshake: The Vatican wants to save face after the embarrassing November dismissal of Giulio Mattietti, the former deputy director of the Vatican Bank. Without notice, Mattietti was kicked out of the Vatican. No reason was given and Mattietti himself was utterly surprised by the move. Now, according to the Corriere della Sera the Vatican wants to clean up the mess by giving Mattietti who has worked for decades for the Vatican, a golden handshake and by offering him a pension although he is nowhere near pension age.

Theory and Practice: On December 13, Pope Francis’ council of Cardinals published a press briefing about its most recent meeting. It informed that the Vatican aims at reducing the personnel of the Vatican media. But in March 2017, when the Italian TV station Sky Italia decided to reduce the number of collaborators, Pope Francis said during a General Audience – quote, “Who takes away the work from man commits a very serious sin.”

Enemy of the Church: Last Friday Socialist Bolivia President Evo Morales visited Pope Francis in the Apostolic Palace. Morales greeted Francis with the words “Good day, Brother Pope Francis”. Francis called Morales by his first name, “Evo”. Morales is known for his anti-Church stances. He has fought the bishops of his country, has pushed for the secularization of schools, promoted paganism, introduced a secular state, seized Church property, and called to abolish Catholic national holidays.
a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing?
Católicos Apostólicos
Bergoglio is the vicar of George Soros. 🤨
"Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them." (Pope St. Felix III)
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
😡 😡 Historic Gay-Rights Bill Passes in Italy, Francis Remains Silent remnantnewspaper.com/…/2341-historic-g…
Joseph a' Christian
Bergoglio is Death.
Jesus Is Life.
The Pope is silent unless its about climate change, immigrants, or Martin Luther, putting all these in good light.
Where is the Pope Frances where it comes about abortion and euthanasia ??????
Pope Frances ,is giving away more writing material for another book of the Dictator Pope
"Culpable silence" is right! If Pope Francis wants to publicly embrace these "big ones" presumably in the name of (misguided) "new evangelization", he has to publicly speak out against these practices clearly against Catholic teaching which means against - violently against - truth and charity. But instead, his silence proves his acceptance. This is so scandalous, one wonders what the new day will …More
"Culpable silence" is right! If Pope Francis wants to publicly embrace these "big ones" presumably in the name of (misguided) "new evangelization", he has to publicly speak out against these practices clearly against Catholic teaching which means against - violently against - truth and charity. But instead, his silence proves his acceptance. This is so scandalous, one wonders what the new day will bring.