
Tucho Addresses another Apparition: Madonna della Scoglio

Cardinal Tucho Fernández published on July 16 another statement on an alleged supernatural phenomenon. This time it concerns the Sanctuary of the "Madonna della Scoglio" ("Our Lady of the Rock") in …More
Cardinal Tucho Fernández published on July 16 another statement on an alleged supernatural phenomenon. This time it concerns the Sanctuary of the "Madonna della Scoglio" ("Our Lady of the Rock") in Santa Domenica di Placanica, Calabria, Italy.
On May 17, Tucho changed the criteria for supernatural phenomena. His two main innovations were:
- more papal centralism: Previously, the bishops were normally responsible for supernatural phenomena, now it is the Vatican.
- a "pastoral" orientation: Instead of a yes or no judgement on the truth or falsity of a phenomenon, only an "experience of the Spirit" is recognised.
Tucho's new statement is favourable to the Italian Shrine with regard to the spiritual fruits derived from the alleged apparitions.
He responded to a request made on 3 June by Monsignor Francesco Oliva, Bishop of Locri-Gerace. Tucho writes that the pilgrims who visit the Sanctuary are a testimony of faith in a secularised world. He confirms the recognition 'Nihil obstat' proposed …More
Dr Bobus
He is the Prefect of the Disaster-y for the Dilution of the Faith
Father Karl A Claver
Tucho is cuckoo mucho.
Whatever Tucho comments on, I'll ignore. Our Lady doesn't need anything from him.
English Catholic
I’d never even heard of Madonna della Scoglio before. Do we have to believe in all these things? No, of course not. Which modern apparitions (or alleged apparitions approved recently) tell us to do what Our Lady asked at Fatima:? 1) Daily Rosary 2) Daily Duty in accordance with the status of one’s life 3) Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and being enrolled in and wearing the Brown …More
I’d never even heard of Madonna della Scoglio before. Do we have to believe in all these things? No, of course not. Which modern apparitions (or alleged apparitions approved recently) tell us to do what Our Lady asked at Fatima:? 1) Daily Rosary 2) Daily Duty in accordance with the status of one’s life 3) Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and being enrolled in and wearing the Brown Scapular as a sign of that consecration 5) First Five Saturday Devotion 6) Penance.

Show me any other alleged subsequent apparitions which have all of those requests. Answer: nil. If you live the Fatima message, then you live all of the other messages, either true or doubtful. The obviously fake ones we ignore. There is no need for any more private revelations other than Paray-Le-Monial (Sacred Heart) and Fatima (Immaculate Heart).

Sr Lucia spelled this out herself in her 1957 interview with Fr Fuentes:

The Final Battle

“The first reason is because She told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Also, from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility.”

The Last Remedies

“The second reason is because She said to my cousins as well as to myself, that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others.”

The Sin Against the Holy Spirit

“The third reason is because in the plans of Divine Providence, God always, before He is about to chastise the world, exhausts all other remedies. Now, when He sees that the world pays no attention whatsoever, then as we say in our imperfect manner of speaking, He offers us with ‘certain fear’ the last means of salvation, His Most Holy Mother. It is with ‘certain fear’ because if you despise and repulse this ultimate means, we will not have any more forgiveness from Heaven, because we will have committed a sin which the Gospel calls the sin against the Holy Ghost. This sin consists of openly rejecting, with full knowledge and consent, the salvation which He offers. Let us remember that Jesus Christ is a very good Son and that He does not permit that we offend and despise His Most Holy Mother. We have recorded through many centuries of Church history the obvious testimony which demonstrates by the terrible chastisements which have befallen those who have attacked the honor of His Most Holy Mother, how Our Lord Jesus Christ has always defended the honor of His Mother.”

This basically can be understood as Fatima was the last chance saloon. Forget Divine Mercy Devotion or anything else which came after Fatima – UNLESS it perfectly repeats the Fatima message. We haven’t had that, to date.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic
Well said! You have hit nails on heads there - many thanks for your clear-thinking comment.
@English Catholic I agree with everything you said. If an apparition is real or isn't real, I'm sure we'll hear about it from someone other than Tucho. That is my only point. Whatever he says concerning Our Lady is completely irrelevant.