
Francis "Secretly" Gave Cardinal's Ring to Prelate Who Covered Up Abuses

On 8 October, Francis received Ghent Bishop Emeritus Luc Van Looy S.D.B., 81, Belgium, along with other Salesians, ostentatiously kissing his ring - a practice Francis normally abhors. The Vatican media …More
On 8 October, Francis received Ghent Bishop Emeritus Luc Van Looy S.D.B., 81, Belgium, along with other Salesians, ostentatiously kissing his ring - a practice Francis normally abhors. The Vatican media went to great lengths to publicise this show gesture.
Then Belgian media reported that the ring Francis kissed had been made for Van Looy in September by order of Francis. Van Looy told Nd.nl (30 October) that "it is something between the Pope and me", adding that he had not received this ring publicly and therefore it should not be reported publicly.
To say that something is "not for the public" while at the same time making it public is taking the public for a ride.
Francis had announced in August 2022 that he wanted to appoint the anti-Catholic Van Looy as cardinal. But Van Looy had to decline after reports that he had been involved in "covering up" abuses.
Picture: Vatican Media, #newsSoilqhnidh
thomasvalle recognize and pray for Holy Father Benedict XVI so joy and peace may fill your heart and soul...
Yes. And pray that the gossip and slander against Pope Francis may also end.
thomasvalle if you accept the fact of pope BXVI being then Constitution of the Catholic Church forbids any other pope exercising the Petrine Ministry... Therefore we Catholics should pray for pope Benedict XVI, canonically elected, and act to remove the usurper, especially pray so Francis stops the destruction of the Church based on factual and legal circumstances...
The problem is that people trust the internet more than they trust the Church, so they get a distorted picture of reality, and end up persecuting the pope based on what they heard on the internet. Here is a video that shows that distortion in action compared to the reality: In Defense of the Pope
thomasvalle whether Francis or anyone in his place would be the most Catholic pope in CC history is irrelevant to the fact of being pope Benedict XVI. Any other man, whether elected by Cardinals or not, while another canonically elected pope remains in the Petrine Office (as pp BXVI has decided by his highest authority) is simply usurper of papacy... If one analyses Francis' documents, acts and …More
thomasvalle whether Francis or anyone in his place would be the most Catholic pope in CC history is irrelevant to the fact of being pope Benedict XVI. Any other man, whether elected by Cardinals or not, while another canonically elected pope remains in the Petrine Office (as pp BXVI has decided by his highest authority) is simply usurper of papacy... If one analyses Francis' documents, acts and words then conclusion of their contradictory nature to Church tradition and last popes JPII and present BXVI is applicable.
ps as to In Defense of the Pope contradictory statements is a strategy to avoid clarity and thereby counteractive judgment.
Yes, except for the fact that Pope Benedict freely and willingly resigned from office. He has repeatedly affirmed this. He’s not the first pope to resign in history. In fact canon law allows for it. Those who reject his decision have no reasonable grounds to argue otherwise. Do you also reject the decisions of the other popes who resigned too?
thomasvalle there is abundance of evidence of organized internal and external attacks to force a resignation. Nevertheless in contrary to your claim that he resigned, (i.e. identically to pp Celestine ), it isn't the case with BXVI. Pope Benedict XVI decided to remain enclosed in the Petrine Office what he clearly states with papal authority at the end of February of 2013, and has been published …More
thomasvalle there is abundance of evidence of organized internal and external attacks to force a resignation. Nevertheless in contrary to your claim that he resigned, (i.e. identically to pp Celestine ), it isn't the case with BXVI. Pope Benedict XVI decided to remain enclosed in the Petrine Office what he clearly states with papal authority at the end of February of 2013, and has been published at Vatican web page. That's sufficient to prove the case he is still true pope with certainty. Thereby in accordance to the latter he remains as visible pope in Vatican, dresses as pope, signs and issues documents with his papal name (not as Cardinal after resignation), keeps his papal coat of arms, etc. Also Vatican confirms this fact by officially addressing him in letters as pope. Moreover Francis publicly called the youth in South America to pray for BXVI ("pope") and invites him to attend consistories etc. This is a paradox however sometimes God commands evil to reveal its malignancy, as in this case of usurpation, to allow the Church to know the truth.
“Organized internal and external attacks” forced him to resign? Says who? The internet? It was Pope Benedict who wrote and spoke extensively about martyrs and martyrdom; are you saying Benedict submitted to resigning out of fear to save his life? In reality, one need only to hear what Pope Benedict himself said about his resignation on the day of his resignation. Here is video of him resigning: …More
“Organized internal and external attacks” forced him to resign? Says who? The internet? It was Pope Benedict who wrote and spoke extensively about martyrs and martyrdom; are you saying Benedict submitted to resigning out of fear to save his life? In reality, one need only to hear what Pope Benedict himself said about his resignation on the day of his resignation. Here is video of him resigning: Pope Benedict XVI announces his resignation
thomasvalle in the audience speech (see link below) the true pope Benedict XVI clearly explains in detail his "Declaratio". So whatever anyone thinks he decided to
"remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter"
ps Please make an effort to read at least one book:
'Attack on Ratzinger': Italian book assesses Benedict's papacy
"Why They Are Attacking Me." Autobiography of a PontificateMore
thomasvalle in the audience speech (see link below) the true pope Benedict XVI clearly explains in detail his "Declaratio". So whatever anyone thinks he decided to
"remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter"

ps Please make an effort to read at least one book:

'Attack on Ratzinger': Italian book assesses Benedict's papacy


"Why They Are Attacking Me." Autobiography of a Pontificate
The only thing these types of posts accomplish is the spreading of gossip, the formation and dissemination of calumny directly or indirectly and the persecution of the Holy Father..
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur shares this
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur
But, of course he did. He serves Satan
Dr Bobus
The criterion of Francis has nothing to do with moral behavior. Rather, it is whether someone is useful to Francis and his plans inspired by the Geist.
Salvatore Bastatti
Thomasville-- you do not know, nor does anyone actually, if XVI gave up his post voluntarily or was black mailed out.