
“Ecumenical Mass”? It Will Be Much Worse

The Italian liturgist Andrea Grillo, an intimate of Pope Francis and rabid enemy of the Catholic truth, commented on the secrete Vatican commission working on an “ecumenical Mass”.

According to Grillo this is not about an “ecumenical mass” but an attempt of putting Holy Mass and Protestant services on the same level.

Writing on settimananews.it (November 7) Grillo makes it clear that the ultimate aim is to abolish the priesthood since according to him there is no essential difference between a Protestant service and a Catholic Mass, and Protestant lay ministers and ordained priests can be “reciprocally recognized”.

Ignoring the essential difference between Holy Mass and a Protestant service Grillo calls the deficits of the Protestant doctrine and liturgy “riches” and mere “differences”. He is much less conciliatory when he rants against the Old Mass.

Grillo explains that this will be done by using the “celebration of [Protestant] Holy Supper, the Holy Mass, the Holy Liturgy” for a “search of communion”. This means that handing out Holy Communion to people who do not believe in it, could start at any moment.

Grillo is strongly suspected of being part of the secret “ecumenical mass” group.

Picture: © Bread for the World, Flickr CC BY-NC-ND, #newsDpsyvnemar
Apostate Rome, headed by apostate Francis.
Letter in Roman Newspaper today addressed to True Catholics.
It's very GOOD!!!More

Letter in Roman Newspaper today addressed to True Catholics.
It's very GOOD!!!
Cesare Baronio
The problem is that the Novus Ordo is already perfect for the an inter-religious celebration. It's exactly as Protestants wanted it, and when it has been promulgated by Paul VI in 1969 many Protestants said that, since this moment, for them the idea of a unique rite of the eucharistic celebration (they don't call it Mass, of course) was possible, especially if they don't use the Roman Canon, which …More
The problem is that the Novus Ordo is already perfect for the an inter-religious celebration. It's exactly as Protestants wanted it, and when it has been promulgated by Paul VI in 1969 many Protestants said that, since this moment, for them the idea of a unique rite of the eucharistic celebration (they don't call it Mass, of course) was possible, especially if they don't use the Roman Canon, which almost disappeared. And the Offertory is perfect for the them, as Luther himself wanted.

Not only: new Canon Law doesn't forbid the use of the altar or the church for non-catholic rites (it simply mentions the "profane use"). Everything is ready: they were just waiting for someone who finally authorizes what now is still done but without the official approval of the Hierarchy.

We cannot simply watch the effects of the crisis, without understanding that their causes are to be found in Vatican II.

+ Baronio