
France: Who Shows ISIS Atrocities Goes to Jail

The French parliament decided to lift the parliamentarian immunity of Marine Le Pen, the president of the Front National, the biggest French opposition party.

Le Pen’s crime: She distributed pictures of atrocities committed by ISIS on twitter. According to Tim Anderson, a professor at Sydney University, France is among the countries that supply arms to ISIS in Syria.

Le Pen commented, “In France it is better to be a jihadist who returns from Syria than a member of parliament who denounces the abjections of the Islamic State: one takes fewer legal risks." Le Pen could be condemned to five years in prison.

Picture: Marine Le Pe, © European Parliament, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsQftddbnrvx
Joseph a' Christian
Bergoglio instructed a group of refugees in Rome, on the ways to overcome their difficulties: “…Those that are Christian, with the Bible, and those that are Muslim, with the Quran. The faith that your parents instilled in you will always help you move on.” (Jan. 19, 2014)
Many today of the people with authority are so corrupt, they promote the teachings of a gang leader- Muhammad. Muhammad murdered …More
Bergoglio instructed a group of refugees in Rome, on the ways to overcome their difficulties: “…Those that are Christian, with the Bible, and those that are Muslim, with the Quran. The faith that your parents instilled in you will always help you move on.” (Jan. 19, 2014)
Many today of the people with authority are so corrupt, they promote the teachings of a gang leader- Muhammad. Muhammad murdered numerous jews and pagans in his first large conquest- Arabia.
the antifas secularists are alive and well in France , the people there need to wake up ,before its too late {maybe already is }
Tesa , the liberals ,call Trump a war monger , some people like to live in a world upside down
This dear lady,what she is up against .
US (commonly regarded as founder of ISIS) and Was:
* The Bushes invaded Iraq on lies, murdering and displacing millions.
* Bill Clinton dismantled Yugoslavia and sanctioned over 500,000 Iraqi children to death.
* Obama was bombing no less than 7 countries throughout his entire presidency.