
Was Wilmer's Appointment as Prefect of CDF Prevented?

Several cardinals organised a consistent opposition against the appointment of Hildesheim Bishop Heiner Wilmer, Germany, as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, reports …More
Several cardinals organised a consistent opposition against the appointment of Hildesheim Bishop Heiner Wilmer, Germany, as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, reports Katholisches.info (December 27).
The appointment was planned for Advent but didn’t take place.
The former prefect of the Congregation, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, played a decisive role. With a “numerically strong support in the College of Cardinals”, he was able to persuade Francis to refrain from the appointment.
Sally Dorman shares this
Cardinals block appointment of Heiner Wilmer as Prefect
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If this is true, and maybe it is.....perhaps we've turned the corner. Perhaps the Cardinals are waking up. Perhaps Francis is finished. Perhaps the next conclave won't be an ominous as some fear. Perhaps we'll get a CATHOLIC POPE who will undo all of Francis' agenda!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
HOORAY!!!! For once the real Catholic Cardinals came thru to oppose heretic Pope Francis....including some of his own appointed Cardinals!!!! Cheers for Cardinal Muller and all those who smashed this plan of Bergoglio to further destroy the Catholic Church. Hopefully it holds. Hopefully even more Cardinals and Bishops in the Vatican and elsewhere rise up against the despot tyrant heretic Pope Francis …More
HOORAY!!!! For once the real Catholic Cardinals came thru to oppose heretic Pope Francis....including some of his own appointed Cardinals!!!! Cheers for Cardinal Muller and all those who smashed this plan of Bergoglio to further destroy the Catholic Church. Hopefully it holds. Hopefully even more Cardinals and Bishops in the Vatican and elsewhere rise up against the despot tyrant heretic Pope Francis and his associates!!
I would not have thought Cardinal Müller had any sway with Pope Francis...