
Gospa of Medjugorie Endorses Francis Indifferent "God"

The so called Gospa of Medjugorje denies the Catholic Faith, TradCatVeils has shown on Twitter.com.

On 1 October 1981, the Gospa claimed that “all religions are equal before God” (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p. 317).

She added that “it is you who are divided on this earth," explaining that "the Muslims and the Orthodox, like the Catholics, are equal before my Son and before me, for you are all my children” (Father Ljubic, p.71).

According to Medjugorie seer Ivanka Ivankovic “the Madonna said that religions are divided on earth, but the people of all religions are accepted by her Son” (The Apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje, Franciscan Herald Press, 1984).

When asked whether the Gospa is calling all people to be Catholic, the Medjugorie seer Vicka Ivankovic answered "no" explaining that “the Blessed Mother says all religions are dear to her and her Son” (Janice T. Connell, The Visions of the Children, The Apparitions of the Blessed Mother at Medjugorje).

The Gospa also opposed the veneration of Our Lady and the saints when she alleged that “I do not dispose of all graces" and explained that "Jesus prefers that you address your petitions directly to him, rather than through an intermediary” (Chronological Corpus p.181, 277s).

Bild: Sean MacEntee, Creative Commons
James Brady
I find it interesting that FATIMA was not only approved but Our Lady’s and Our Lord’s prophecies came true, making it more than “private revelation”.
But the enemies in the Church hated FATIMA so much they tried to hide the secrets (prophecies) contained in it. These same enemies concocted an assassination attempt on JPII to give the appearance of a fulfilled prophecy. On the heels of that, the …More
I find it interesting that FATIMA was not only approved but Our Lady’s and Our Lord’s prophecies came true, making it more than “private revelation”.

But the enemies in the Church hated FATIMA so much they tried to hide the secrets (prophecies) contained in it. These same enemies concocted an assassination attempt on JPII to give the appearance of a fulfilled prophecy. On the heels of that, the very next month Medjugorje surfaced with all these nonsensical “revelations”, disobedience, priests violating their vows, etc. it was as if the enemies wanted to prove to the “fatimites” that FATIMA was finished and wanted it to disappear. They used Medjugorje as a new “revelation”, which has NEVER been approved because of the many obviously satanic visions the seers were having.

FATIMA is not over by a long shot despite the efforts of evil churchmen.
A commission on Medjugorje established in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI and chaired by Cardinal Camillo Ruini voted 13-1 to confirm the supernatural origin of the first seven occurrences of the apparition only. The committee was undecided on the rest of the apparitions. Our Lady has said repeatedly that the time we are living in is a time of grace and that this is the time for the people who are …More
A commission on Medjugorje established in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI and chaired by Cardinal Camillo Ruini voted 13-1 to confirm the supernatural origin of the first seven occurrences of the apparition only. The committee was undecided on the rest of the apparitions. Our Lady has said repeatedly that the time we are living in is a time of grace and that this is the time for the people who are undecided, uncommitted to worshiping God have to make their decision. It is implied that once the time of grace has come to an end, that it will be too late for the unbelievers. Also, it is not a coincidence that at Fatima, Our Lady said that she was 'Our Lady of the Rosary' (the second to last title in the Litany of Loreto) and at Medjugorje, Our Lady said that she is the Queen of Peace, the last title in the Litany of Loreto. When the prophesied secrets come to pass, my prayer is that no one is put to shame by their comments.
Where is the official document? Was it published? Promulgated? Now we have at least two official documents of the local bishop confirming that the whole mess is not supernatural i.e. may come from that wicked and miserable creature - the devil.
Our Holy Mother is appearing everyday for the last forty years on earth as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. She gives messages to strengthen her children. Obviously the commenters here reject her messages and her calls to conversion. What are you commenters doing to evangelize the unbelievers? Do you fast on bread and water twice a week? Do you confess each month? Do you read the Bible daily? Do …More
Our Holy Mother is appearing everyday for the last forty years on earth as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. She gives messages to strengthen her children. Obviously the commenters here reject her messages and her calls to conversion. What are you commenters doing to evangelize the unbelievers? Do you fast on bread and water twice a week? Do you confess each month? Do you read the Bible daily? Do you attend Mass as often as you can? Do you pray all the mysteries of the Rosary daily? The Virgin Mary has stated that Medjugorje is the fulfillment of Fatima. There is no way that at this time of the apostasy, that the Virgin Mary would not appear on earth to strengthen her children.
Child of Our Lady
Our Lady would never confirm someone in a false religion.
la verdad prevalece
In the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, St. Louis de Montfort teaches us that the Virgin Mary will lead us in the fight against Satan, to battle against the army of the Antichrist; formed by heretics, apostates, wicked, idolaters and Mohammedans. Saint Louis adds that in these latter times, the Blessed Virgin will raise up great saints, who will extend the empire of Jesus Christ …More
In the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, St. Louis de Montfort teaches us that the Virgin Mary will lead us in the fight against Satan, to battle against the army of the Antichrist; formed by heretics, apostates, wicked, idolaters and Mohammedans. Saint Louis adds that in these latter times, the Blessed Virgin will raise up great saints, who will extend the empire of Jesus Christ over "the impious, the idolaters and the Muslims."
This is not a accurate representation of the question and the answer of the Virgin Mary.
There was a question asked of Our Lady in October 1981 which was: Are all religions the same? Our Lady answered: "Members of all faiths are equal before God. God rules over each faith just like a sovereign over his kingdom. In the world, all religions are not the same because all people have not complied with …More
This is not a accurate representation of the question and the answer of the Virgin Mary.

There was a question asked of Our Lady in October 1981 which was: Are all religions the same? Our Lady answered: "Members of all faiths are equal before God. God rules over each faith just like a sovereign over his kingdom. In the world, all religions are not the same because all people have not complied with the commandments of God. They reject and disparage them."
Vatican II in its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church "Lumen Genitum" says this: "Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God, and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience. Nor does Divine Providence deny the helps necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God and with His grace strive to live a good life."
In the Gospels, Jesus said that He came to call sinners. Jesus said that there is more rejoicing in Heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away. Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." The Virgin of Medjugorje has urged us to confess our sins monthly, to pray the rosary daily, to fast on bread and water strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, to attend Mass as often as possible and to read Holy Scripture.
Don't lie.
"Jesu li sve vjere dobre? Jesu li sve vjere iste?
Sve su vjere pred Bogom iste. Bog njima vlada kao vladar u svome kraljevstvu... U svijetu sve vjere nisu iste, jer se ljudi ne pokoravaju Božjim zapovijedima, već ih odbacuju i kvare"
(T. Vlasić: Viđenja, Kronika ukazanja z 1981 cf.)
And Gospa - the Queen of the Blah is not Our Lady.More
Don't lie.

"Jesu li sve vjere dobre? Jesu li sve vjere iste?
Sve su vjere pred Bogom iste. Bog njima vlada kao vladar u svome kraljevstvu... U svijetu sve vjere nisu iste, jer se ljudi ne pokoravaju Božjim zapovijedima, već ih odbacuju i kvare"

(T. Vlasić: Viđenja, Kronika ukazanja z 1981 cf.)

And Gospa - the Queen of the Blah is not Our Lady.
"Members of all faiths are equal before God." -and that's wrong too. A satanist apostate who repudiates God is equal to a devout Catholic who worships Him? Think about that for a moment...
Further, God does not rule over each faith, because that presupposes God is the head of each faith, which He is not. God is not the head of the Church Of Satan. Nor is He the head of the Hindu pantheon, nor …More
"Members of all faiths are equal before God." -and that's wrong too. A satanist apostate who repudiates God is equal to a devout Catholic who worships Him? Think about that for a moment...

Further, God does not rule over each faith, because that presupposes God is the head of each faith, which He is not. God is not the head of the Church Of Satan. Nor is He the head of the Hindu pantheon, nor is He Allah.

Typical "Gospa" pseudo-Catholic double-talk... it sounds religious and gulls the sincere if indiscriminate reader.

In terms of theology, it's a pile of manure squatted out by a diabolically clever entity masquerading as the Queen Of Heaven.
atreverse pensar
This is not a catholic faith.