
De Mattei Uses Paediatrician "In Conflict of Interest" to Defend Controversial Vaccinations - Viganò

Gwyneth Anne Spaeder, a physician and daughter of George Weigel, wrote on CorrispondenzaRomana.it (December 15) a 16 pages polemical reply to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

CorrispondenzaRomana.it (December 15) is under the responsibility of Roberto de Mattei, a Roman Rite Catholic who justifies abortion-contaminated Covid vaccines and fostered their spread, however, in a December article, he eventually admitted that “there is debate as to whether the vaccines protect against the virus or damage the body.”

Spaeder who presents herself as "scientific" writes a promotional article for the Pfizer injections calling them “clean,” and “mild.”

According to her, they resolve themselves and have “no long-term adverse effects” - although there is no long-term experience available and the UK Health Security Agency published in its “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report (Week 42)” that vaccinated people have an altered immune system and can likely not have full immunity against Covid variants and are thus more endangered by viruses than unvaccinated.

Spaeder claims that Pfizer and Moderna possess big safety and efficacy studies, while in reality, Biontech/Pfizer even manipulated the studies for the admission of their cocktails. Their lacking efficacy is meanwhile even admitted by the oligarchs' media.

Archbishop Viganò told ChurchMilitant.com (December 23) that Spaeder is the wife of Dr. Jeffrey Spaeder, who is chief medical and scientific officer of IQVIA, a company linked to the pharmaceutical industry, in particular to the manufacturers of COVID-19 injections.

He called it "a pity to see Corrispondenza Romana siding with Santa Marta [= Francis], perhaps not so much out of conviction as out of opportunism” and stresses that it was "clumsy and counterproductive" to entrust an vaccination apologia "to a paediatrician in clear conflict of interest.”
atreverse pensar
Dr. Coleman: Are you a cannibal for receiving vaccines produced from the cells of aborted children?
De Mattei is fake
Rand Miller
Clean and mild? How about ineffective, diseased, deadly?
Miles - Christi
Angelo Santelli
Anything Bergoglio does is demonically laced. The sooner he expires the better-- that is when the new schism (Latin rite Catholicism versus globalism) takes its full force.
Miles - Christi
Ju Yuyong 居安