
De Mattei Uses Paediatrician "In Conflict of Interest" to Defend Controversial Vaccinations - Viganò

Gwyneth Anne Spaeder, a physician and daughter of George Weigel, wrote on CorrispondenzaRomana.it (December 15) a 16 pages polemical reply to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. CorrispondenzaRomana.it (…More
Gwyneth Anne Spaeder, a physician and daughter of George Weigel, wrote on CorrispondenzaRomana.it (December 15) a 16 pages polemical reply to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.
CorrispondenzaRomana.it (December 15) is under the responsibility of Roberto de Mattei, a Roman Rite Catholic who justifies abortion-contaminated Covid vaccines and fostered their spread, however, in a December article, he eventually admitted that “there is debate as to whether the vaccines protect against the virus or damage the body.”
Spaeder who presents herself as "scientific" writes a promotional article for the Pfizer injections calling them “clean,” and “mild.”
According to her, they resolve themselves and have “no long-term adverse effects” - although there is no long-term experience available and the UK Health Security Agency published in its “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report (Week 42)” that vaccinated people have an altered immune system and can likely not have full immunity against Covid variants and …More
atreverse pensar
Dr. Coleman: Are you a cannibal for receiving vaccines produced from the cells of aborted children?
De Mattei is fake
Rand Miller
Clean and mild? How about ineffective, diseased, deadly?
Miles - Christi
Angelo Santelli
Anything Bergoglio does is demonically laced. The sooner he expires the better-- that is when the new schism (Latin rite Catholicism versus globalism) takes its full force.
Miles - Christi
Ju Yuyong 居安