After our kids.
Phillip F McCabe
All of this bull.... will stop in one day, when a good Catholic priest or bishop or a true pope, stops the sodomite parades and events. Read or watch this very good sermon, on this topic: Jerry Springer had his chance, he is now in hell i…
Phillip F McCabe
After the first hanging, all this will stop, I promise you. did you see how the President of El Salvador did this and last year not even one homicide in his country. He will one day convert to true Catholicism, if he continues to lock up and/or hang sodomites and transgenders and filthy gang members.
Phillip F McCabe
Just me: Ok, if you don't recall, then, go to read every day, 3 chapters of the Holy Bible and soon, you will recall how God said to "kill all the men, women, infants and beasts" in one chapter. Just obey God and do as He says. Killing pagans and heretics is what a soldier does. He cannot murder, but he can and must kill the enemies of God, when he is told to do so, as in certain cases in Holy …More
Just me: Ok, if you don't recall, then, go to read every day, 3 chapters of the Holy Bible and soon, you will recall how God said to "kill all the men, women, infants and beasts" in one chapter. Just obey God and do as He says. Killing pagans and heretics is what a soldier does. He cannot murder, but he can and must kill the enemies of God, when he is told to do so, as in certain cases in Holy Scriptures. Very few are saved in either Testament, due to effeminate men, who can't live for Christ, work for Christ, kill for Christ, and die for Christ the King.
Spiritually dead perverts. May they repent before they die
Phillip F McCabe
Lock up and hang drag freaks. Give them a month to repent, but they die either way, as antiChrist agenda freaks, sodomites, transgender freaks.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Throw them in prison for 30 years. 😂 🤪
Phillip F McCabe
Psychiatric help is of no use to anyone. It is a Talmudic and witchcraft art, so do not promote it, as you commit mortal sin thereby. These demon infested men, dressed in women's apparel, blaspheme God and His Divine Scriptures. They must start to live the natural law, and God will then, show them the true Catholic Faith. Otherwise, they go to hell. Watch this short video on this …More
Psychiatric help is of no use to anyone. It is a Talmudic and witchcraft art, so do not promote it, as you commit mortal sin thereby. These demon infested men, dressed in women's apparel, blaspheme God and His Divine Scriptures. They must start to live the natural law, and God will then, show them the true Catholic Faith. Otherwise, they go to hell. Watch this short video on this in the school libraries by a true Catholic from NM, USA: William Norris’ TorC School Board Speech on New Curriculum (4-26-2023)
English Catholic
@DefendTruth They don't want to be left alone. They're crying out for spiritual and psychiatric help.
Credo .
Keep them out of our Catholic schools and libraries! "He that shall scandalise one of these little ones that believe in Me; It were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea". Matthew Cp. 18. Verse 6. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Simply disgusting