
US Bishop Praises Video Unmasking Francis' Great Reset Support

Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, Texas, recommended on Twitter.com (July 8) a video by Michael Matt (RemnantNewspaper.com) about Francis, Pelosi and the tyrannical culture of death. Strickland describes …More
Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, Texas, recommended on Twitter.com (July 8) a video by Michael Matt (RemnantNewspaper.com) about Francis, Pelosi and the tyrannical culture of death.
Strickland describes the video as “a sad commentary on the Church and state in our time.” In the video, Matt is praising Strickland for defending the Communion ban for abortion Pelosi.
Matt summarises Francis’ failures like the prohibitions of the Roman Mass or Pelosi receiving Communion in Saint Peter's, warns that Francis is “codifying great reset principles” into Church law, and compares Francis to Judas Iscariot.
He goes on speaking of “a diabolically disoriented clown like Francis” who knows that it is “his job to destroy the Church because he has to get rid of true religion,” noticing that "Francis isn’t even pretending to be a moral authority on anything other than climate change and equity.”
For Matt, Francis is preaching "an entirely new gospel” and “is in opposition to 2000 years of Church teaching.” …More
the problem his that most catholics dont know what is going on with the catholic church leaders ,they dont care about these news