
Surprise: Lyon Archbishop Seems to Be a Good Man

Francis named Ajaccio Bishop Olivier de Germay, 60, as Lyon Archbishop, France. De Germay was trained in the Military Accademie of Saint-Cyr, became a career officer with the parachutists, and served …More
Francis named Ajaccio Bishop Olivier de Germay, 60, as Lyon Archbishop, France.
De Germay was trained in the Military Accademie of Saint-Cyr, became a career officer with the parachutists, and served in Kuwait and Africa.
Presented as a “kind traditionalist,” he discovered his late vocation during a retreat at the Old Rite Benedictine Monastery of Fontgombault.
The Modernist editor Michel Cool told Liberation.fr (October 22) that after de Germay’s nomination “we have the impression that we have remained under the pontificate of Benedict XVI."
"The Vatican has chosen to perpetuate a macho, clerical governance," Anne Soupa who wanted to become the new ”Lyon Archbishop”.
De Germay is a specialist in bioethical issues. He participated in manifestations against gay pseudo-marriage.
"If you are in a society where homosexuality is trivialised, then there is a total loss of reference points," he said in November 2012.
However, a source at Lyon Archdiocese told Liberation.fr that "de Germay has …More