Rosary rally organised in San Francisco in 1961 by Fr Patrick Peyton which saw a participation of over 500,000 Catholics. Would we be able to do this again?
We need to pray Rosary on this website. ( if possible) ? Online or zoom . Get as many Catholics as we can involved. Oh, the Power of the Rosary.
Brakes one's Catholic heart to see what once was not a long ago.
Opera 369
Please listen/watch this video, Fr. Jenkins totally explains the reason why .. similar rallys of Catholics would not be possible today. In this video he provides information unknown to many "Catholics"...but who should really know. It was eye opening to me and not heard anywhere else
Modernism's Legacy of Perversion
paul arten
I was there, hundreds of nuns filled one whole section. I'll never forget this beautiful day.
Hound of Heaven
Yeah, I can see why we needed Vatican II to fix this... not! A beautiful memory sadly recalled given the attrition we are in.
And even with such phenomenal occurrences as that, being held throughout the whole world, it still wasn’t enough to impede or retard the wave of cataclysmic change that was, even then, being set upon the Church; diabolically disruptive and destructive change which would further manifest and reveal itself over the course of the next few years with the coming of the ill-fated Second Vatican Council …More
And even with such phenomenal occurrences as that, being held throughout the whole world, it still wasn’t enough to impede or retard the wave of cataclysmic change that was, even then, being set upon the Church; diabolically disruptive and destructive change which would further manifest and reveal itself over the course of the next few years with the coming of the ill-fated Second Vatican Council and its aftermath.
John A Cassani
Back then, Catholics trusted their priests and bishops, and those very trusted figures led them away from holiness. I would say that the precipitous decline in holiness began with priests ordained after WWII. There were some well meaning bishops I think, but they still promoted the changes. I would consider Fulton Sheen to be in this category. You are absolutely right to emphasize change. Every …More
Back then, Catholics trusted their priests and bishops, and those very trusted figures led them away from holiness. I would say that the precipitous decline in holiness began with priests ordained after WWII. There were some well meaning bishops I think, but they still promoted the changes. I would consider Fulton Sheen to be in this category. You are absolutely right to emphasize change. Every change results in unintended consequences. The Church changed everything, all at once, without any regard for the consequences. They knew better, and they did it anyway.
Which reminds me of Bella Dodd’s testimony about communist infiltration of the seminaries in the 1930s.
John A Cassani
Not today, nor any time soon. What Fr. Ripperger said about the typical length of exorcisms shows, quite concretely, that Catholics are far less holy than they were 60 or more years ago.