A French Mayor Pays with His Own Money to Save Local Church

Patrick Mangin, the mayor of Saint-Maurice-aux-Forges, has made a significant personal contribution to saving the local church by donating his entire mayoral salary of 50,000 euros, writes LeSalonBeige.fr …More
Patrick Mangin, the mayor of Saint-Maurice-aux-Forges, has made a significant personal contribution to saving the local church by donating his entire mayoral salary of 50,000 euros, writes LeSalonBeige.fr (17 March).
Saint-Maurice-aux-Forges is a commune of 100 inhabitants in the north-east of France. Churches in France were nationalised in 1905. The commune is therefore responsible for their upkeep.
This gesture is part of a wider effort to raise the €400,000 needed to restore the church, which is no longer safe.
The church, built in 1874, is a historic monument. The mayor's donation is intended to kick-start a collective fundraising effort to preserve this important piece of heritage for future generations.
Geminiano Secundo
The village of Saint-Maurice-aux-Forges has only 98 inhabitants, so if Providence wants to renovate the local church Saint Maurice, this is due to the repeated fulfillment of the prophecy 'Out of Egypt I called My Son' [Mt 12:15] in relation to the person of the second Paraclete, the Paraclete.
Saint Maurice, the commander of the Theban Legion, was an Egyptian, but he was martyred in Europe (St. …More
The village of Saint-Maurice-aux-Forges has only 98 inhabitants, so if Providence wants to renovate the local church Saint Maurice, this is due to the repeated fulfillment of the prophecy 'Out of Egypt I called My Son' [Mt 12:15] in relation to the person of the second Paraclete, the Paraclete.
Saint Maurice, the commander of the Theban Legion, was an Egyptian, but he was martyred in Europe (St. Moritz in today's Switzerland). The Second Comforter does not have to be an Egyptian for this prophecy to be fulfilled again. Why? It is enough that he is a Roman Catholic, because modern Rome/Vatican deserves the name from the Apocalypse [Rev 11:8]:
And their bodies will lie in the square of the great city,
which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt,
where also their Lord was crucified.

The phrase "Their Lord was crucified" refers to the crucifixion of the Mystical Body of Christ the Lord, that is, the Church!
The village is located in the former duchy of Lorraine, whose last ruler was Stanisław Leszczyński, king of Poland. This last circumstance indicates the role of Poland now at the end of the era!
Kudos to the mayor. Brick by brick, that is how we salvage and rebuild Christendom!