Anonymous Cardinal Writes about What Must Change after Francis

A cardinal using the pseudonym "Demos II" has written about the qualities needed in the next Pope. The text, entitled "Profile of the next Pope", published on, was shared on social media …More
A cardinal using the pseudonym "Demos II" has written about the qualities needed in the next Pope.
The text, entitled "Profile of the next Pope", published on, was shared on social media by Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen.
The pseudonym Demos was first used by the late Cardinal George Pell in the spring of 2022 to criticise abuses in Francis' pontificate. The key points.
Shortcomings of Francis
- An autocratic, vindictive style of government
- carelessness in matters of law and legality
- intolerance of dissent, even respectful dissent
- most seriously: a pattern of ambiguity in matters of faith and morals. Francis leaves behind "a Church more divided than at any time in its recent history". The next pontificate must be one of reconciliation, recovery and restoration of truths that have slowly been obscured or lost among many Christians. Fundamental truth that need to be emphasised (a) No one is saved except by and through Christ, as Christ himself made clear. (b) God is …More
Novena - Oremus
At this point, only either extreme naiveté or something more sinister could account for a Catholic disagreeing with the perfectly reasonable – indeed, obviously true – things said in this document by the anonymous cardinal Demos II
Wilma Lopez
Utterly damning verdict on this pontificate
So this Girondist longs for 1789-1792 but we have now 1794 and Jacobins are on the revolutionary top.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Anonymous Cardinal (signed Demos II) on qualities needed for next pope at upcoming conclave, as Francis leaves the “Church more fractured than at any time in her recent history.”
May Demos I intercede for Demos II as each day brings us close to the end of clown anti-pope Jorge Bergoglio.
Wilma Lopez
Another point of Demos II
"The dismantling and repurposing of Rome’s John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family and the marginalizing of texts like Veritatis Splendor suggest an elevation of “compassion” and emotion at the expense of reason, justice, and truth. For a creedal community, this is both unhealthy and profoundly dangerous."More
Another point of Demos II

"The dismantling and repurposing of Rome’s John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family and the marginalizing of texts like Veritatis Splendor suggest an elevation of “compassion” and emotion at the expense of reason, justice, and truth. For a creedal community, this is both unhealthy and profoundly dangerous."
Oy vey! By marginalizing texts like Veritatis Splendor you are marginalizing texts like Gaudium et spes. Not good, comrades, not good.
It is almost a certainty that Demos II did not receive his Red hat from Pope Francis. And if he is a cardinal under 80 by the time Pope Francis moves on he'll only have one vote.
It would also be surprising to learn that his thoughts as set forth in his text would have much impact, if any, on a majority of the other voting cardinals who were made by Pope Francis.
Still anything is possible with God …More
It is almost a certainty that Demos II did not receive his Red hat from Pope Francis. And if he is a cardinal under 80 by the time Pope Francis moves on he'll only have one vote.
It would also be surprising to learn that his thoughts as set forth in his text would have much impact, if any, on a majority of the other voting cardinals who were made by Pope Francis.
Still anything is possible with God. Prayer is the only answer.