"The American bishops seemed to have noticed this alarming anomaly in the past year. Odd that they should have detected this doctrinal collapse so recently, since it has been glaringly evident for over a half-century. It is rather like a man being bitten by a shark and only screaming an hour later."

A Radical Proposal for the USCCB’s Eucharistic Revival

Ominous. It is the only word which can adequately describe the 2020 Pew Research Study. It polled Catholics on their belief in the Real Presence …
Rand Miller
The bishops now notice this "alarming trend". Have they been asleep for 40 years?
Most bishops will go to their deaths thinking that the problem is that Vatican II hasn't been fully implemented and that is the reason Catholic don't believe in the real presence
John A Cassani
It’s great to see this from a veteran priest. I lived in a diocese where there has been a movement for quite awhile to move the tabernacles back to the center. It hasn’t helped. If he is willing to call for communion kneeling and on the tongue, it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch to call for the priest to stand ad orientem when at the altar. I would say that restoring an actual Eucharistic fast …More
It’s great to see this from a veteran priest. I lived in a diocese where there has been a movement for quite awhile to move the tabernacles back to the center. It hasn’t helped. If he is willing to call for communion kneeling and on the tongue, it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch to call for the priest to stand ad orientem when at the altar. I would say that restoring an actual Eucharistic fast would help too. All in all, these proposals are good, and worth praying for. All but moving the tabernacles to the center will take miracles, but would be much more effective.