
All Signs Are Pointing To Reckless Abolition of Celibacy

Clerical Celibacy is a "discipline", not a "doctrine" [as if the Vatican would take "doctrine" more seriously than "discipline"], radical Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the general secretary of the Bishops …More
Clerical Celibacy is a "discipline", not a "doctrine" [as if the Vatican would take "doctrine" more seriously than "discipline"], radical Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the general secretary of the Bishops' Synod said at a June 17 press conference about the Amazonian Synod.
In order to play "conservative", Baldisseri cited a "decision" of the conservative Benedict XVI to allow married Anglican clergy who become Catholic to be ordained Catholic priests. In reality, this provision goes back to the controversial Pope Paul VI.
Asked why the term "viri probati" was dropped from the Instrumentum Laboris of the Synod, Baldisseri said that “the term has been a bit abused”.
"Viri probati" - proven [married] men - has been a slogan for decades in order to promote candidates for a married clergy.
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsAzakwhtcyl
The Council Fathers in Trent started an investigation to find out which Council had established priestly celibacy. Since no one could find any Council that had instituted it, it was (rightly) concluded that celibacy was from the time of the Apostles.
Gesù è con noi
Gay author with Vatican connections names who’s allegedly helping Bergoglio homosexualize Church February 25, 2019 (www.lifesitenews.com) – Amongst the most striking claims of French sociologist and openly homosexual Frédéric Martel in his new book on homosexuality in the Vatican is that Pope Francis and his inner circle are actively working to make homosexuality acceptable to the Catholic Church …More
Gay author with Vatican connections names who’s allegedly helping Bergoglio homosexualize Church February 25, 2019 (www.lifesitenews.com) – Amongst the most striking claims of French sociologist and openly homosexual Frédéric Martel in his new book on homosexuality in the Vatican is that Pope Francis and his inner circle are actively working to make homosexuality acceptable to the Catholic Church, even if they are not aiming to open the Church to homosexual “marriage”.
Blase Cupich, Walter Kasper, Kevin Farrell, Reinhard Marx, Christoph Schönborn, Oscar Maradiaga, Lorenzo Baldisseri… who have a more relaxed approach to homosexuality.
Martel claims Cardinal Baldisseri, who organized both family Synods, told him that during the preparation of the first synod in 2014 every question was open, even burning hot! Everything was on the table: priestly celibacy, homosexuality, communion for the divorced and remarried, women priests… We opened all the debates at the same time. https:/https:/www.lifesitenews.com/news/gay-author-with-vatican-connections-names-whos-allegedly-helping-pope-homos
Claudius Cartapus
If the pope did not consider this possibility, he would have closed the door. This article was posted here on Gloria on March 14, 2018 : Saint Bridget: Pope Who Would Abolish Celibacy Would Become Food of Demons in Hell
They ultimately want to marry their boyfriends. They don't like girls. Homoheretics on parade.
Our Lady of the Rosary crush the head of satan
Dr Bobus
. . . radical Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the general . . .
Should read:
. . . radical mediocrity, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the general . . .More
. . . radical Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the general . . .

Should read:

. . . radical mediocrity, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the general . . .
This is not about marriage, except in the sense of another angle to attack it. The real concern for the Bergoglians is to gain public approval and blessing for their sodomitical lifestyles they now have to hide.
Celibacy is a gift from God, it is filled with grace and these clowns want to throw this gift back at God's face, I tell you there's just about nothing left since Jorge Bergolio was falsely elected!
They are playing on words "viri probati" to chage facts.