
Persecuted Pro-Life Professor Dies By “Suicide” – Last Interview Speaks About His Projects

The well-known pro-life professor and columnist Mike Adams, 55, was found dead at home on July 23.

Police concluded that Adams committed suicide with a single gunshot wound to his head saying that “no other people were in the home and foul play is not suspected.”

In his most recent tweets Adams wrote that “Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being” and “It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being.”

A professor of sociology and criminology, he was forced out by the administration of the University of North Carlolina Wilmington and pushed in to "early retirement" beginning on August 1, after left-wing protests against him. He reached a settlement of $504,702 for lost wages.

In 2000, Adams converted from Atheism to Christianity. He gave his last interview to FrontPageMag.com (July 14) announcing – less than two weeks before his suicide – that he “will definitely not be retiring” and “I will continue to travel the country and speak in defence of the unborn.”

He planned to write more and to save lost souls. “There is something very demonic going on in this country," he said about the United States, "Our present struggles have nothing to do with pandemics or with race, they are much deeper spiritual battles.”

Adams repeated that he has no time for retirement as he intended “to be right in the middle of those battles fighting for truth until the Lord calls me home”.

He observed that public universities are “no longer serious places” and that “Conservatives must start their own universities.”

His religious conversion began in 1996, “I was doing a teaching exchange in Ecuador when an opportunity arose for me to visit a prison in Quito. The conditions of the prison were appalling. There were 45 prisoners stuffed in 36 square meter cells. Confessions were literally shocked out of suspects who had their testicles wired to car batteries. Guards admitted that prisoners were sometimes told they were free to go and then shot in the back as they walked out of the prison.

All of these horrors shook me out of my old worldview, which suggested that morality is relative – and that we should never judge other cultures. I came to understand that there is an absolute moral law written on our hearts.

We know what is right and true from seeing that which is evil. The shadow proves the sunshine. And if we are to embrace the objective truth of the moral law then we must acknowledge that there is a lawgiver. All of this led me to theism.

And, of course, it led me to recognize that cultures lacking basic respect for the moral law are deserving of judgment. Those who refuse to judge other cultures would even lack a moral basis for liberating the Nazi concentration camps.”

Adams' conversion to Christianity was propelled by a visit he had on death row in Texas at the end of 1999, “John Paul Penry, a mentally retarded rapist and murderer, quoted John 3:16 to me after I had interviewed him. I was ashamed that he had read the Bible and I had not – given that his IQ was once measured at 53.

So I bought a copy, read it, and converted about nine months later. This goes to show that God can use anyone. Even a death row inmate with limited intellectual capacity.”
He was murdered. God bless him. The rest of us will continue the fight. We have to be more careful. We live among enemies of faith.
comfort ye
We have a new martyr for the Faith. We may as well get used to this - and get ready ourselves.
He must know too much about something
Be Ye Separate
“There is something very demonic going on in this country," he said about the United States, "Our present struggles have nothing to do with pandemics or with race, they are much deeper spiritual battles.”
Roberto 55
I think : "It was assisted suicide"...