Gloria.TV News on the 29th of February 2016 Third Attempt: On Saturday, Pope Francis received Argentinean president Mauricio Macri. The climate during the meeting was extremely cold. Meeting and press …More
Gloria.TV News on the 29th of February 2016
Third Attempt: On Saturday, Pope Francis received Argentinean president Mauricio Macri. The climate during the meeting was extremely cold. Meeting and press conference lasted little more than half an hour. Francis personally allowed for the first time in Church history a Catholic politician to show up with his extramarital housewife. Macri’s present partner, Juliana Awada, is his third marriage attempt.
An Example: The Speaker of the Russian parliament Sergey Naryshkin has praised the meeting between Pope Francis and Russian-Orthodox Patriarch Kirill. Quote: “This readiness to meet each other in spite of very serious, centuries-old disagreements, may and should become an example for us."
Francis Wants It: Archbishop Guido Pozzo, the secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, said in an interview with Zenit that Pope Francis has from the beginning of his pontificate encouraged the commission to continue the dialogue with the Priestly …More
In Need of Conversion: This would be a very astonishing statement of a Roman Catholic Archbishop ... But it is a certainty that everywhere prevail secular careerists, as well as at the Vatican.
But they cannot destroy God's plan. The history of ancient Israel repeats today...The true Church of Christ is the spiritual Israel, and as God led His enslaved poeple out of Egypt, He also now leads us out …More
In Need of Conversion: This would be a very astonishing statement of a Roman Catholic Archbishop ... But it is a certainty that everywhere prevail secular careerists, as well as at the Vatican.
But they cannot destroy God's plan. The history of ancient Israel repeats today...The true Church of Christ is the spiritual Israel, and as God led His enslaved poeple out of Egypt, He also now leads us out from slavery to the Promised Land, where we no longer live as slaves but as children of God.
It´s a warning for us, that in the same way as Pharaoh did not change his mind, also the current Rulers will not change their mind, even if they say the opposite.
Today's news is reminding me of Gloria.TVs excellent interview with the authors of "True or False Pope?"
What would happen when it comes out that pope bergoglio is the "antichrist"?