
Italo-Latin-American Efficiency: Curia Reform "Stuck"

Plans for a "reform" of the Roman Curia are further delayed, Guido Horst reports (Die-Tagespost.de, September 20). Presently, the Vatican is preparing the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium …More
Plans for a "reform" of the Roman Curia are further delayed, Guido Horst reports (Die-Tagespost.de, September 20).
Presently, the Vatican is preparing the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium (“Preach the Gospel”), some sort of constitution for the Roman Curia.
It envisages far reaching changes for the Vatican's congregations and councils and was supposed to be published on June 29. Then, a new date was set for autumn.
However, the opposition from Bishops' Conferences and the Curia has been so fierce that, according to Horst, the completion of the work "is written in the stars."
The next date is December 2 to 4. Then Francis' Council of Cardinals will "discuss" the matter.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsRqibdzniwh
mr. producer
This "reform" must be so bad, that even the bishops conferences are against it.