
Cardinal Brandmüller Claims: There “Never" Was a Mass of All Times

It is not permissible to "demonise any liturgical development" in the name of a "Mass of all times" that "never existed," Dubia-Cardinal Walter Brandmüller demonises on Die-Tagespost.de (9 December) a position that no one has ever taken.

He describes liturgical "progressives" and "traditionalists" as "squabblers" and, oddly enough, places himself in a middle position between their views which he considers both wrong. Brandmüller has always been a follower of liturgical New Rite conformism.

Any liturgical polemic is for him a "grotesque contradiction" to the will of the Lord, who spoke so forcefully at the "institution of the Eucharist" of the "unity of His own with Him and among themselves." Brandmüller glosses over the fact that "liturgical polemics" only began with the Novus Ordo revolution and have never ceased since.

Presupposing a Manichean separation of form and content, he moralises that not the "form" is crucial in the liturgy, but the "conscientiousness, care, devotion and dignity” with which it is performed. Subjectivist arguments of this kind can be used to justify any kind of liturgy, including Amazon or homosex shows.

For Brandmüller, the "liturgical discord” within the Church weakens it, however, in the dying diocesan parishes the Novus Ordo reigns unopposed.


Cardinal Brandmüller is referring to ''La Messe de toujours''.
This expression has been quoted extensively by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and post 1960s traditionalists.
It is one of ''those'' ...like ''the eternal Rome''!
This kind of expressions are only partially true (if ever it is the case), therefore much exaggerated and easy to critic or attack.
It's a bit like when …More

Cardinal Brandmüller is referring to ''La Messe de toujours''.

This expression has been quoted extensively by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and post 1960s traditionalists.

It is one of ''those'' ...like ''the eternal Rome''!

This kind of expressions are only partially true (if ever it is the case), therefore much exaggerated and easy to critic or attack.

It's a bit like when someone tries to prove you wrong with a straw man argument, but instead you bring up the straw man, making things easier for your opponent!

The Mass can not be abolished or be invalid by changing the rite or ritual but only by either:

1º Removing the Words of Consecration -This is my Body - This is my Blood or -This is the chalice of my Blood.

Like saying '' this represents my body'' would be absolutely invalid.

2º Not having genuine bread or wine.

3º The absence of a priest or bishop.

4º Not having the intentional context of a Mass, that mostly means that an accidental Mass can not happen.

5º When the priest/bishop loses the ''Mark'' that was printed on his Soul at the time of his Sacerdotal Ordination. This can only be achieved by joining the church of Satan.

6º When the Son of God knows that the Transubstantiation would be followed by a massive number of sacrilegious receptions of the Divine Host. On those occasions He does not come on the altar.
Hmmm. The so-called squabbling, "...only began with the Novus Ordo revolution and have never ceased since." I wonder why.
Could be that Catholics with actual Catholic sensibilities smelled a rat. Our Lord prayed for unity to the Father but bid the Apostles in the Upper Room to continue to do ALL that He taught them. That's not uniting in error by my way of thinking. <shrug>
If unity were the only …More
Hmmm. The so-called squabbling, "...only began with the Novus Ordo revolution and have never ceased since." I wonder why.

Could be that Catholics with actual Catholic sensibilities smelled a rat. Our Lord prayed for unity to the Father but bid the Apostles in the Upper Room to continue to do ALL that He taught them. That's not uniting in error by my way of thinking. <shrug>

If unity were the only issue, we could all unite in the pretext that sin is now abolished by papal mandate and ALL are now considered to be baptized into the Church. Go big or go home.
Cassandra Laments
....and another one bites the dust!
Ivan Tomas
That's why they still awaits on the answers of their dubia.
Jan Joseph
Een foute kardinaal, die niet weet waaruit het Rooms Katholieke geloof bestaat en nog steeds denkt dat de Novus Ordo Mis een groot succes is, terwijl het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie met zijn Novus Ordo Mis een catastrofe is geworden in de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Maar onze troost is dat de belangstelling voor de Novus Ordo Missen en het Novo Ordo Rooms Katholieke geloof steeds kleiner wordt en over …More
Een foute kardinaal, die niet weet waaruit het Rooms Katholieke geloof bestaat en nog steeds denkt dat de Novus Ordo Mis een groot succes is, terwijl het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie met zijn Novus Ordo Mis een catastrofe is geworden in de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Maar onze troost is dat de belangstelling voor de Novus Ordo Missen en het Novo Ordo Rooms Katholieke geloof steeds kleiner wordt en over een paar jaar uitgestorven is en het Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie snel groeit. Het Novus Ordo Rooms Katholieke geloof is de oude beschaving en het Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof is de Nieuwe Beschaving.