
Bishop Vigano urges the faithful not to financially support (italian) parishes and dioceses

Discovering that the Italian Bishops Conference, through its President Cardinal Zuppi and other fixers, is financing illegal immigration of largely criminal and violent Mohammedans, confirms that the …More
Discovering that the Italian Bishops Conference, through its President Cardinal Zuppi and other fixers, is financing illegal immigration of largely criminal and violent Mohammedans, confirms that the Bergoglian church is totally subservient to Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. Italian Catholics will find themselves invaded by new barbarians, their elderly robbed, their daughters raped, their sons pushed down the road of drug addiction - all in the name of inclusion, welcome, and miscegenation. And they will not only have politicians and rulers to thank, but also their Bishops, who use the offerings of the faithful not to help the increasingly poor Italians, but to encourage immigration. Because while the Italian Episcopal Conference finances the smugglers, it also secures a large share of the lucrative business of reception centers, financed by the Italian government. What more is needed to understand that corruption and betrayal of Authority have reached unprecedented levels of arrogance …More
Make newchurch destitute and penniless.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Vigano is a hero in Italy!! Zuppi's chances to be "Francis II" just went up in smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!