
Why are so many celebrities suddenly revealing they aborted their children? - LifeSite

Fri Nov 24, 2023 - 2:53 pm EST (LifeSiteNews) – It is the year of abortion memoirs. In her memoir Paris, published …
I wonder if celebs know that at the bottom line, very few really care about them
Paris Hilton is a male. Almost all celebrities of one stripe or another are transgendered. She did not have an abortion. They always claim some sort of female problem. Look at her face. Look at that square manly jaw. You can see she is a man.
What an appropriate screen name you have.
Okay, go pull up images of her on Google. Check out her hands. Huge man hands. If they are as long as her face, it's a man. Women's hands end a little over their eyebrows. Every transgendered "woman" has some sort of female problem: miscarriages, endometriosis, post partum depression, abortions, it boosts up their credibility as the gender they are impersonating. It's what they do. They wear moon …More
Okay, go pull up images of her on Google. Check out her hands. Huge man hands. If they are as long as her face, it's a man. Women's hands end a little over their eyebrows. Every transgendered "woman" has some sort of female problem: miscarriages, endometriosis, post partum depression, abortions, it boosts up their credibility as the gender they are impersonating. It's what they do. They wear moon bumps and have pictures taken of their stomachs when they're "pregnant."
Oh, I forgot Angelina Jolie and her double mastectomies. And Paris Hilton's hands are the length of her face. There's way more ways to tell, but that's an accurate one. But, the false ones are getting hip to it and photoshopping their hands. Just like all the other long standing techniques they use to pass.
There is a "tell" in the hands, but of course it is neither their general size nor relative length.
But the knowing does not come from observation of still images; a man cannot take the place of a woman in movement, demeanor and speech.
I have never met Paris Hilton nor ever observed her in person. But watching videos of her, I am absolutely convinced that she was born a female. Perhaps some day …More
There is a "tell" in the hands, but of course it is neither their general size nor relative length.

But the knowing does not come from observation of still images; a man cannot take the place of a woman in movement, demeanor and speech.

I have never met Paris Hilton nor ever observed her in person. But watching videos of her, I am absolutely convinced that she was born a female. Perhaps some day I may be proven wrong, but it will take exactly that, proof, to convince me.
You revealed your ignorance with your first sentence. Hands do reveal gender. A man's hands are often the length of his face, a woman's hands are never the length of her face. Paris Hilton's hands are the length of her face. I don't really care to convince you, but I do feel somewhat compelled to defend myself when I am speaking truth from knowledge and you are impugning my honesty from your own …More
You revealed your ignorance with your first sentence. Hands do reveal gender. A man's hands are often the length of his face, a woman's hands are never the length of her face. Paris Hilton's hands are the length of her face. I don't really care to convince you, but I do feel somewhat compelled to defend myself when I am speaking truth from knowledge and you are impugning my honesty from your own ignorance.
Dr Bobus
And Paris Hilton is from a Catholic family