
Spain: More Atheists Than Practicing Catholics

For the first time in history, there are more atheists and non-believers in Spain than practicing Catholics. The last report of the Spanish Sociological Research Center (July 30) writes that two third …More
For the first time in history, there are more atheists and non-believers in Spain than practicing Catholics.
The last report of the Spanish Sociological Research Center (July 30) writes that two third of the population declare themselves Catholics, but only 22.7% of them practice their faith. 26% call themselves irreligious or atheists.
FranceTVInfo.fr (August 2) writes triumphantly that finally Manuel Azana's words were fulfilled, that “Spain has stopped being Catholic.”
Azana is a Spanish criminal and last President of the Spanish Republic, backed by the Soviet Union, who murdered thousands of bishops, priests and faithful.
However, before his death in the French exile in 1939, Azana received the last rites.
Picture: © Hernán Piñera, CC BY-SA, #newsQrwedjzawi
That's just a transitional state on the way to becoming mohammedans.
Dr Bobus
Not to worry. Francis has a plan. Once the Church fully embraces contraception, homosexuality, and climate change (global warning . . . whatever) , Spain and the rest of W Europe will be 90% catholic.
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Yeah, right.More
Not to worry. Francis has a plan. Once the Church fully embraces contraception, homosexuality, and climate change (global warning . . . whatever) , Spain and the rest of W Europe will be 90% catholic.

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Yeah, right.