Der Horror, der in Gaza erlebt wird
Abraham a Sancta Clara teilt das
The horror that is experienced in Gaza
AJ Fides
If the Palestinians actually cared about the destruction of their own country they would give freedom to the 140+ hostages they kidnapped. But no, their hatred of the Israelis means that they will even allow their own people to be killed and their country destroyed for the sake of killing more Jewish people. Let's pray they never achieve statehood.
Is Hamas still holding Israeli hostages? This could all end in a moments time. 😐 Hamas need only release every hostage that is still alive and return the bodies of those hostages who are now dead. That is the only pathway to peace. The Palestinian People opened the door to this devastation themselves, and are the impetus behind its continuation. They can stop it at any time of their choosing by …Mehr
Is Hamas still holding Israeli hostages? This could all end in a moments time. 😐 Hamas need only release every hostage that is still alive and return the bodies of those hostages who are now dead. That is the only pathway to peace. The Palestinian People opened the door to this devastation themselves, and are the impetus behind its continuation. They can stop it at any time of their choosing by an act of their own will and volition. RELEASE ALL THE HOSTAGES and RETURN THE DEAD.
rafaportal teilt das
The horror that is experienced in Gaza
As long as it's Israel doing the genocide, America will look the other way.