NASA's Top Globe Proofs Debunked. NASA's Top Globe Proofs Debunked: In the following presentation the President of the International Flat Earth Research Society Eric Dubay debunks NASA's Assistant …More
NASA's Top Globe Proofs Debunked.

NASA's Top Globe Proofs Debunked:
In the following presentation the President of the International Flat Earth Research Society Eric Dubay debunks NASA's Assistant Director for Science Communication Michelle Thaller's top "proofs" that Earth is a ball
F M Shyanguya
Flat earth modeled and simultaneously exposing the Globe earth which they cannot physically model.
F M Shyanguya
“As the earth spins towards the east, it's also pulling everything on earth with it — including earth's atmosphere and the planes in it.”
-The surprising reason why it's not faster to fly west
The kind of nonsensical rubbish the likes of @Jim Dorchak would like to continue promoting shamelessly to the already brainwashed masses, when observation and experience informs otherwise - that would be …More
“As the earth spins towards the east, it's also pulling everything on earth with it — including earth's atmosphere and the planes in it.”
-The surprising reason why it's not faster to fly west

The kind of nonsensical rubbish the likes of @Jim Dorchak would like to continue promoting shamelessly to the already brainwashed masses, when observation and experience informs otherwise - that would be true science. Then turn around and label those who have the guts to call them out “idiots”! Diabolical!

In the exchange here, I have provided support for my for my position. He? “I am a pilot, done some math and I have seen it.” Fauci anyone?
Nice link, bro. Very convincing... ;-) The surprising reason why it's not faster to fly west
Today @F M Shyanguya discovers Foucalt's Pendulum
...and Monsieur Foucalt beats a any "info video" hands down. pic related.More
Today @F M Shyanguya discovers Foucalt's Pendulum

...and Monsieur Foucalt beats a any "info video" hands down. pic related.
F M Shyanguya
For those this may help:
Proof Earth is Not Spinning, Rotating, Revolving, or Wobbling
Has examples from civil aviation.More
For those this may help:

Proof Earth is Not Spinning, Rotating, Revolving, or Wobbling

Has examples from civil aviation.
F M Shyanguya
'Frater qui adiuvatur a fratre quasi civitas firma. Brother helped by brother is a fortress.'
“I have absolutely no obligation to educate you. I will not berate you for your ignorance since it becomes you.” - @Jim Dorchak
The condescending, ridiculing, and insulting response characteristic of the other side ie, he is not obligated to tell the truth, like the Devil their father, lying is proper …More
'Frater qui adiuvatur a fratre quasi civitas firma. Brother helped by brother is a fortress.'


“I have absolutely no obligation to educate you. I will not berate you for your ignorance since it becomes you.” - @Jim Dorchak

The condescending, ridiculing, and insulting response characteristic of the other side ie, he is not obligated to tell the truth, like the Devil their father, lying is proper to them.
2 more comments from F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
That’s the Firmament.
F M Shyanguya
The Operations
NASA's proofs? Pythagoras and Eratosthenes would like to have a word with you. ;-) independent.co.uk/…-summer-solstice-a8131376.html
F M Shyanguya
“Actually as a pilot and submarine sailor who navigated the whole globe at one time or another, either in a submarine or airplane, i saw that the earth is a globe.”
What a barefaced lie!
Cf Heliocentrism CANNOT shed Ancient Concepts of CosmologyMore
“Actually as a pilot and submarine sailor who navigated the whole globe at one time or another, either in a submarine or airplane, i saw that the earth is a globe.”

What a barefaced lie!

Cf Heliocentrism CANNOT shed Ancient Concepts of Cosmology
When F M Shyanguya said he navigated the whole globe, that means he has more experience than any Flat Earther, because he has seen it first hand.
F M Shyanguya
@Jim Dorchak Because the truth that the earth is flat is even more plain to those who fly above the earth and they can affirm this truth more than anyone else.
Maybe mistaken? Nah, I will stick with the barefaced lie.
I will respond more fully but before then, let me ask you a question, do you hold that that earth is a globe and it also rotates about a supposed axis every 24 hours? If yes, then as …More
@Jim Dorchak Because the truth that the earth is flat is even more plain to those who fly above the earth and they can affirm this truth more than anyone else.

Maybe mistaken? Nah, I will stick with the barefaced lie.

I will respond more fully but before then, let me ask you a question, do you hold that that earth is a globe and it also rotates about a supposed axis every 24 hours? If yes, then as a pilot, if you wanted to fly to a destination west, why do you not fly up, hover and wait for your destination to come to you?
"If yes, then as a pilot, if you wanted to fly to a destination west, why do you not fly up, hover and wait for your destination to come to you?" -F M Shyanguya
.The practical answers to the question you asked are 1.) it would take too long 2.) it isn't fuel efficient. 3.) flying at high speeds anywhere is absolutely awesome. Hovering is cool for a little while, but it gets boring kinda quick.
"If yes, then as a pilot, if you wanted to fly to a destination west, why do you not fly up, hover and wait for your destination to come to you?" -F M Shyanguya

.The practical answers to the question you asked are 1.) it would take too long 2.) it isn't fuel efficient. 3.) flying at high speeds anywhere is absolutely awesome. Hovering is cool for a little while, but it gets boring kinda quick.

"Because the truth that the earth is flat is even more plain to those who fly above the earth and they can affirm this truth more than anyone else."

...except those who fly above the earth say just the opposite

...and the higher up you go, the more visible this becomes -as some students found.

Students film breathtaking curvature of Earth using high-altitude weather balloon

Then there are at least seven the do-it-yourself ways of proving the earth is round.
F M Shyanguya
@Jim Dorchak We are not far off now when diabolical Masonic pseudoscience/Magick science, the one it appears your are promoting, will be exposed.
We shall see who will be vindicated.More
@Jim Dorchak We are not far off now when diabolical Masonic pseudoscience/Magick science, the one it appears your are promoting, will be exposed.

We shall see who will be vindicated.
Let's take a moment, and pay our respects to Eric Dubay. Sadly, he passed away recently after he fell off the edge of the Earth.
His departing words, caught on tape were, "Is that rope secure?" May the Lord help him in the endless fall into oblivion. :-(More
Let's take a moment, and pay our respects to Eric Dubay. Sadly, he passed away recently after he fell off the edge of the Earth.

His departing words, caught on tape were, "Is that rope secure?" May the Lord help him in the endless fall into oblivion. :-(
F M Shyanguya
No.... if you can "fall off" a flat earth - how much MORE likely is a person to "Fall off" one that is round like a ball, spinning at hundreds of thousands of km per hour?
We are told that it is Gravity that makes it so - but Gravity is a missing link, and believing in it requires a dogmatic style of Faith. I personally don't place 100% trust in the Dogmatic pronouncements of the …More

No.... if you can "fall off" a flat earth - how much MORE likely is a person to "Fall off" one that is round like a ball, spinning at hundreds of thousands of km per hour?

We are told that it is Gravity that makes it so - but Gravity is a missing link, and believing in it requires a dogmatic style of Faith. I personally don't place 100% trust in the Dogmatic pronouncements of the anti-Christ's of the world, be it flat or spinning at countless km's ph

, and it appears to me that - similarly to the THEORY of evolution, too much condemnation attacks those who investigate a different viewpoint (ONE THAT IS IMPLIED WITHIN SCRIPTURE!!!! ) So it's best to NOT place too much trust in a belief that not one of us can prove for ourselves to be factual.

The Bible is a history Book. Where 500 prophecies cataloging every aspect of Christ's future incarnation are to be found in the Old Testament, because of that, could it not be said that maybe the bit where God permitted the SUN to remain stationary for an entire day to aid Joshua is ALSO evidence for Geocentricity at least?

AT Fatima, Didn't Our Lady show 90,000 people the Sun spinning, rotating, moving left right and zig-zagging in every direction? Why did she SHOW us that? Maybe she was hoping we would accept that the Sun like St Robert Bellarmine stated, is said in Scripture to MOVE whereas the Earth is said in Scripture to be Stationary and DISK shaped.

Christ says in John 5:46 that we must believe in the writings of Moses. The Books of Moses are the first 5 books of the Bible.
He says in John 5:46 - that if we don't believe in the writings of Moses (incl. the Creation a/c) then how can we believe what Christ is telling us?

" [45] Think not that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one that accuseth you, Moses, in whom you trust.

[46] For if you did believe Moses, you would perhaps believe me also; for he wrote of me. [47] But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?"

John 5:46 is a terrifying warning to anyone believing it the Theory of Evolution. Better to view the Genesis Creation a/c as a DOGMATIC Statement - or risk accusing Christ.of being a liar.
At LEAST examine the evidence for an alternative viewpoint. Examine DOGMA on the side of Christ..



PS Bishop Challoner altered Isaiah 40:22 to say that the earth is a globe , but the original D/R says it is a Compass with connotations of being Disk shaped
F M Shyanguya
RED PILL MONKEY (@Red_Pill_Monkey) Tweeted:
God created Earth - he's described it for us.
Satan created a spinning blue marble.
Few believe God, more believe satan. twitter.com/…us/1313598461745524737/photo/1
RED PILL MONKEY (@Red_Pill_Monkey) Tweeted:
God created Earth - he's described it for us.

Satan created a spinning blue marble.

Few believe God, more believe satan. twitter.com/…us/1313598461745524737/photo/1

Flat Earther's keep saying that if the Earth were spinning at many thousands of miles per hour, we would all spin off.
Let's see if that is true. Take a Bowling ball, and put a some dirt on the top, so that some of it stays on the ball. Now over a 24 hour period, rotate the ball 1 time. Which would be so incredible slow that no one could even notice that it is spinning. Then after 24 hours, see if …More
Flat Earther's keep saying that if the Earth were spinning at many thousands of miles per hour, we would all spin off.

Let's see if that is true. Take a Bowling ball, and put a some dirt on the top, so that some of it stays on the ball. Now over a 24 hour period, rotate the ball 1 time. Which would be so incredible slow that no one could even notice that it is spinning. Then after 24 hours, see if all the dirt spun off onto your walls, or ceiling, or table.
@Spiritlessons Your experiment won't prove a thing. Since the view of Globe Earthalists (?) 😀 is that the earth is spinning not "slowly" but at thousands of miles ph.
So your experiment is pointless, surely?😀