
Cardinal Scola Explained to Francis that Divorced Remarried Cannot Receive Communion

The fact that divorced and remarried Catholics cannot receive Communion unless they live in complete continence, is not a punishment that can be taken away or reduced. It is rather "inherent in the very character of Christian marriage," former Milan Cardinal Angelo Scola, 77, states in his new interview-autobiography.

Scola says that he reminded Francis of this teaching during a private audience [but Francis did not listen].

Scola is a former president of the Roman Institute for the Family which Francis killed in September 2017 after it had criticised his plans to "allow" a de facto divorce for validly married couples.

According to rumours Scola received most of the votes in the first ballot of the 2013 conclave. Since then, Francis has publicly showed his disdain for Scola.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk CC BY-NC-SA, #newsKbcruovttv
Francis is one of the most cunning men in history!
Let's see here. Divorced Catholics are not allowed communion if remarried but Catholic Preists are re assigned to another Parish when involved in sexual abuse. Somehow I guess they decided being re married is a bigger sin than sexual abuse of children. Hmmm I just don't get it.
Like Francis didn't already know that.
Joseph a' Christian
The Man of Lawlessness. False Francis hates Almighty God, and he hates people who even remind him, of the Law of the Lord.
False Francis and his legion of homosexuals are death, Almighty God shall crush this vermin.
Jesus teaches us that, He shall come and JUDGE the living from the dead.
What a better Pope he could have been.