
Pontifical Academy Against Life: “No Connection Between Contraception And Declining Birth Rates”

Diane Montagna published a May 21 article on CatholicHerald.co.uk about Italy's disastrous birth rate. She has learned that pro-gay Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy …More
Diane Montagna published a May 21 article on CatholicHerald.co.uk about Italy's disastrous birth rate.
She has learned that pro-gay Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy Against Life, is preparing a document for Pope Francis to initiate the overturning of Humanae Vitae.
John Haas, president emeritus of the US-based National Catholic Bioethics Center, added that a reversal of Humanae Vitae would reject the entire moral tradition of the Catholic Church.
On May 25, Fabrizio Mastrofini, press speaker of the Pontifical Academy, complained that he had not been asked for his "opinion" before the article. Montagna added it.
The Academy’s opinion is: "The article suggests a link between contraception and falling birth rates. In reality, the situation is much more complex (as the Pope rightly says) and there is no correlation."
Picture: Vincenzo Paglia © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsEdicbdcqob
Another Judas.
Yeah right... And there's no connection between getting a sunburn and sunshine! 🤪
Jan Joseph
Een kind van 6 jaar met twee jaren onderwijs begrijpt het verband tussen anticonceptie en het dalende geboortecijfer, maar in het Vaticaan begrijpen ze dat niet. Blijkbaar is het Vaticaan een andere planeet.