Eucharistic Miracle of Brussels. In the Cathedral of Brussels there are many artistic testimonies to a Eucharistic miracle verified in 1370. Desecrators stole Hosts and struck at them with knives as …More
Eucharistic Miracle of Brussels.
In the Cathedral of Brussels there are many artistic testimonies
to a Eucharistic miracle verified in 1370. Desecrators stole
Hosts and struck at them with knives as a way of showing their
rebellion. From these particles came a flow of living blood.
This miracle was celebrated up until some decades ago.
There are many reliquaries of different eras that were used to contain the miraculous Hosts of the miracle of the Blessed Sacrament. They have been
kept to this day in the museum close to the cathedral in an ancient chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. There are tapestries of the 18th century which represent the miraculous event. The five stained glass windows that grace the side nave of the cathedral take us through stages of the Eucharistic miracle. They were installed at various times from 1436 to 1870. The Kings of Belgium, Leopold I and Leopold II, presented the first windows on the lower level.The others were gifts from various noble families of the …More
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Eucharistic Miracle of Brussels.
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Eucharistic Miracle of Brussels.