Vatican Promotes Transcendental Meditation and Francis Honors Katy Perry - Michael Matt comments on Katy "I Kissed a Girl" Perry being invited to speak at the Vatican (02/28/2018). Perry, an outspoken …More
Vatican Promotes Transcendental Meditation and Francis Honors Katy Perry - Michael Matt comments on Katy "I Kissed a Girl" Perry being invited to speak at the Vatican (02/28/2018). Perry, an outspoken champion of LGBTQ rights, was honored with a personal meeting with the Pope and entrusted to help the Vatican promote Transcendental Meditation. We're sure Pope Francis & Co were merely trying to convert Katy, and that that's why she was singled out in this way. After all, didn’t Our Lord eat with the tax collectors? By the way, Katy Perry's breakout song, I Kissed A Girl, was nominated for the Kids Choice Award in 2009, and after her visit with Francis she announced the celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the song's release. And finally, did you hear that Katy won her case against the two little old nuns out in California who were being forced to sell their convent to the raunchy pop star? Yep, Katy got the convent and the audience with Pope Francis. She’s had a good month! Michael …More
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post
Miles - Christi
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=jMx9aGlwfBY
See the video of the conference at the Vatican: youtube.com/watch?v=bVCQJl1XVmg
For more information about this subject: churchmilitant.com/…rticle/vatican-health-forum-goes-new-age-pro-abort
"Transcendental Meditation with Questions and Answers":
'I came out of the Himalayas with a method designed to raise both the head and the heart of man to the point …More
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=jMx9aGlwfBY
See the video of the conference at the Vatican: youtube.com/watch?v=bVCQJl1XVmg
For more information about this subject: churchmilitant.com/…rticle/vatican-health-forum-goes-new-age-pro-abort
"Transcendental Meditation with Questions and Answers":
'I came out of the Himalayas with a method designed to raise both the head and the heart of man to the point where knowledge and appreciation of the quality of his higher nature can be attained. I call my method Transcendental Meditation, but it is, in fact, a technique of self-exploration; it enables a man to dive into the innermost reaches of his being, in which dwells the essence of life and the source of all wisdom, all creativity, all peace, and all happiness. It is that place which has been called in the Christian teaching, the “Kingdom of Heaven within”.' His "Holiness" Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - scribd.com/…anscendental-Meditation-with-Questions-and-Answers - This is nothing but a Hindu version of the Luciferian pantheistic gnosis: "You will be like gods."
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