
Germany’s Dying Church: No Ordination in the Big Osnabrück Diocese

For the first time in more than 100 years there is no priestly ordination in the big German diocese of Osnabrück (555,000 Catholics). Nevertheless , the rector of the seminary, Father Ulrich Beckwermert, does “not make a big thing out of it,” “domradio.de” reports. The diocese is led by very liberal bishop Franz-Josef Bode.

The downtrend concerns all the German dioceses. In 1962 Germany saw 557 priestly ordinations. In 2015 they were 58.

Because of a Church tax system, the German Church earns every year more than 5 billion Euros (5.4 billion U.S. Dollars). This money gives it a big influence upon the Vatican.

Picture: © Saint Joseph on flickr.com, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsUbbjjyiewy
Where priesthood is floureshing is where in the countries they still believe the Truth of of our Lord Jesus Christ and the tradition of the church ,not this new idilogies ,like secularism ,relativism etc