
Church Teaching Is "Obfuscated" By "Pervasive Errors" – Cardinal Burke

Celibacy stems from the example of Christ who is the model of perfect continence for every priest, Cardinal Raymond Burke told the annual “Napa Institute” conference (July 25) in California, USA. He …More
Celibacy stems from the example of Christ who is the model of perfect continence for every priest, Cardinal Raymond Burke told the annual “Napa Institute” conference (July 25) in California, USA.
He noticed that the teachings of the Church are presently "obfuscated" and "undermined" and that "sins against the Faith are widespread." Among the “pervasive errors” in the present Church, Burke listed
• the hesitance to evangelize Muslims and Jews although Christ alone can save.
• the wrong belief that a lay faithful can substitute a priest to offer a Sunday service.
• the refusal of the truth that the "only moral exercise of sex" can be within a valid marriage.
Ok Cardinal Obvious we all know this. But what are you going to do about it?
At least he's saying in the media that "The Emperor has no clothes." He's warning those who listen not to drink PF's cool-aid. . .