Nurse passes out after taking the Covid Vaccine in Tennessee at press conference. #nurse #vaccine #pfizer #healthworkers #science #passingout @BlackPegasusRaps (IG FB TIK) @BlackPegasus (Twitter) @…More
Nurse passes out after taking the Covid Vaccine in Tennessee at press conference.

#nurse #vaccine #pfizer #healthworkers #science #passingout

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Louis IX
Curious, what was the first action of the attendants after she passed out? To take her face diaper off? hmmmmmm
Not a good thing to have as a nurse...
Merciful God allows for truth to be revealed by exposing simple consequences of mass deception which humanity has been subjected to as exemplified by the deceived nurse and many others aiming to publicly promote:
-the criminal operation "covid (certificate of vaccination identification doccument) - 19" violating Nuremberg Code;
(i.e. dr Boyle - Zabójcze szczepionki mRNA. Wywiad z dr Francisem …More
Merciful God allows for truth to be revealed by exposing simple consequences of mass deception which humanity has been subjected to as exemplified by the deceived nurse and many others aiming to publicly promote:

-the criminal operation "covid (certificate of vaccination identification doccument) - 19" violating Nuremberg Code;
(i.e. dr Boyle - Zabójcze szczepionki mRNA. Wywiad z dr Francisem Boyle. www.cda.pl/video/628391345 [https://www.cda.pl/video/628391345])
-use of substance without any reasonable cause for coronaviruses clearing after every season due to populations achieving mass immunity, therefore at the moment almost non-existent;
(i.e. prof Dolores - MUST WATCH: Debunking the Narrative (With Prof. Dolores Cahill))
-experimentation on humans without earlier experimentation on animals, therefore the humans have been subjugated to the role of animals and use of substance without knowledge of its long-term effects qualifying operation as completely experimental on humans;
-injection without consent or through deception of novel harmful substance approved in most countries contradictorily to standard procedures without protection against adverse reactions; (i.e. see dr Boyle above)
-mandation of masks which harm human brain; (i.e. Maski powodują uszkodzenia mózgu - Dr Margareta Griesz-Brisson:)
-implemented for medical corporations' profits through corrupted governments to Great Reset the poor and enrich the powerful;
-universal depopulation through injection of substance after "Pfizer's ex-chief of allergy research Dr. Michael Yeadon has asked the EU's Medicine Agency to halt COVID vaccine studies. Why? If vaccines "trigger immune reaction against syncytin-1" then "infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women." INFERTILITY."
-organized changes on juridical and administrative levels to accommodate inaccurate subjective diagnosis, also through false tests, uncertain symptoms and causes of death to special codes with end to issue death certificates to covid-19;
[i.e. cdc.gov/…oduced-for-COVID-19-deaths.pdf]
-decisions and financial incentives to eliminate healthcare for comorbid diseases and increase mortality death rates by cunningly inflating covid-19 cases causes a major chaos in many healthcare systems wordlwide and consequently genocide of other patients in thousands, often passing away without Sacraments;
[i.e. see above]
-and use of biological material from murdered children in mother wombs being cannibalism and spiritual satanism possibly causing damnation of souls:
{i.e. Five Bishops Publish Statement Against Covid-19 Vaccines}

are only some examples of universally implemented extreme violation of law (natural and human), basic human rights, religious freedom and testing procedures amounting to mass deception which should be halted immmediately by nation leaders, including President Trump.
Holy Cannoli
Nurse Manager Tiffany Dover was okay and spoke again with local station WTVC, saying she has a condition where she often faints when she feels pain.
Alex A
So it hurts having the COVID-19 vaccine?
Holy Cannoli
Maria Pocs
Video was deleted by twitter
Alex A
Understandably so.
Holy Cannoli
The stuff in the needle would not have had time to do anything. This isn’t a nerve agent for goodness sake.My guess is that the cause was that she was either dehydrated, had low blood sugar or the stress of being filmed for posterity or all of the above. Dehydration or low blood sugar are the main culprits of people passing out from blood takes or injections.
To suggest this was from the vaccine …More
The stuff in the needle would not have had time to do anything. This isn’t a nerve agent for goodness sake.My guess is that the cause was that she was either dehydrated, had low blood sugar or the stress of being filmed for posterity or all of the above. Dehydration or low blood sugar are the main culprits of people passing out from blood takes or injections.

To suggest this was from the vaccine is borderline retarded. (GTV's retarded crew "the vaccine will kill you" 🤪 are due to show up any minute now)
I don’t care what anyone thinks about the vaccine and I would never suggest anyone take it against their “will.” But this wasn’t from the vaccine itself—it was the process of getting an injection.
She passed out due to lack of oxygen in her brain and blood system, the good work of nose mask.
Holy Cannoli
3. Myth: Wearing a mask will increase the amount of carbon dioxide I breathe and will make me sick.
For many years, health care providers have worn masks for extended periods of time with no adverse health reactions. The CDC recommends wearing cloth masks while in public, and this option is very breathable. There is no risk of hypoxia, which is lower oxygen levels, in healthy adults. Carbon dioxide …More
3. Myth: Wearing a mask will increase the amount of carbon dioxide I breathe and will make me sick.

For many years, health care providers have worn masks for extended periods of time with no adverse health reactions. The CDC recommends wearing cloth masks while in public, and this option is very breathable. There is no risk of hypoxia, which is lower oxygen levels, in healthy adults. Carbon dioxide will freely diffuse through your mask as you breathe. Link