Pope Francis. "O God, who chose your servant Francis in succession to the Apostle Peter as shepherd of the whole flock, look favorably on the supplications of your people and grant that, as Vicar of …More
Pope Francis.
"O God, who chose your servant Francis in succession to the Apostle Peter as shepherd of the whole flock, look favorably on the supplications of your people and grant that, as Vicar of Christ on earth, he may confirm his brethren and that the whole Church may be in communion with him in the bond of unity, love and peace, so that in you, the shepherd of souls, all may know the truth and attain life eternal. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen." Today, 13th March 2018, is the Fifth Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis. This photograph was taken at the General Audience on 31 January 2018. On the 'Popemobile', one can see the coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI.
Source: Lawrence OP on Flickr
The question is ,what is the purpose of Pope Frances mentioning That Jesus had pagan blood on His Veins ?
Uncle Joe
It is a pity to see that the inmates have literally taken over the asylum resulting in the degeneration that has occurred to the once very popular and respectable GTV.
Por la venas de Jesus corre Sangre Pagana
If we take the words "through the veins of Jesus runs pagan blood" from the context in which they were said, it is …More
It is a pity to see that the inmates have literally taken over the asylum resulting in the degeneration that has occurred to the once very popular and respectable GTV.
Por la venas de Jesus corre Sangre Pagana

If we take the words "through the veins of Jesus runs pagan blood" from the context in which they were said, it is likely that some may feel scandalized, that is why you should never remove any word of context. Especially since the word "pagan" is synonymous for some of someone bad. That is not the biblical meaning of the word. In the Bible is called pagan (or Gentile) to everyone who does not belong to the people of Israel, for example, St. Paul calls himself, the apostle of the pagans (Gal 1,16 and 2,7).

For the Jew of that time (and some in this one) we are pagans or Gentiles. To understand what the Pope said, we must take into account that it was a preaching on the Gospel of the Mass of the day. In the Gospel of the Mass that day, the genealogy of Jesus was detailed, that is, the list of Jesus' ancestors. Both St. Matthew and St. Luke, in the first chapters of his gospels, detail us these data to let us know that Jesus is the promised Messiah and is a descendant of the most important characters in the history of Israel, among which stand out Abraham, Isaac , Jacob, and King David.

But San Mateo, also gives us a detail by mentioning in that list of ancestors of Jesus, two women who are not Jewish. The first of these is Rahab, of which the book of Joshua speaks to us in chapter 2. She was a prostitute who lived in Jericho and welcomed the envoys of Joshua, when she tried to enter the Promised Land. Rahab, who was not an Israelite and lived in Jericho, He hid them in his house and asked them to promise that they would respect his life and that of his family when they conquered the city. For having carried out the work of hiding from Joshua's emissaries the life of Rahab and his family was forgiven. Rahab and his people, from that moment became part of the people of Israel. According to Matthew 1,5 "Salmon fathered from Rahab to Boaz." Both Salmon and Boaz are ancestors of Jesus, and this woman, through whom pagan blood flows, also became an ancestor of Jesus.

The other pagan woman mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus is Ruth, of whom he speaks a whole book. Ruth was a Moabitess that is, a pagan woman who married an Israelite and with whom she lived in the territory of Moab, east of the Promised Land. When she was widowed, she decided to follow her mother-in-law Naomi, who had been widowed 12 years before and when her children died, she wanted to return to Israel. In Israel, Ruth married Boaz, a relative of her husband, to comply with the law of the levirate and thus give offspring to her husband who had died. From the marriage between Boaz and Ruth was born Obed, who would later be the grandfather of King David.

This is what Pope Francis refers to when he says that "through the veins of Jesus runs pagan blood." It is not an error, much less a heresy. It is a biblical truth. Among the ancestors of Jesus there are very holy men, but also great sinners, like King David, who committed adultery and murder; and a couple of pagans. In the Blood of Jesus runs all the Blood of man as it is because we all came to redeem.Benditions + COPYRIGHT 2018
Joseph a' Christian
Bergoglio recently stated on his trip to Columbia, that when our Lord walked the earth, pagan blood flowed through His veins! This is blasphemy. Obviously a blasphemer can NOT be Christ's representative. Bergoglio leads people to death. Jesus Is Life.