
"For Francis, a resounding defeat: Traditionalists have won a huge victory." | "Even in 2015, it's …

Professor Odon Vallet is an expert in the history of religions and civilizations and, since he is deemed a strong and radical "Progressive", he is a favorite in the French media to speak as a secular-…More
Professor Odon Vallet is an expert in the history of religions and civilizations and, since he is deemed a strong and radical "Progressive", he is a favorite in the French media to speak as a secular-friendly voice on Catholic issues.
He was interviewed by popular daily "20 Minutes" on the results of the 2014 assembly of the Synod of Bishops:
In what sense did the provisional text [the Forte relatio] signal an important step?
The provisional text included two overtures. One regarding the remarried divorcees. The other regarding homosexuals. It was not a revolution, but an evolution. It was not proposed to admit the remarried divorcees to the sacrament, but simply to predict, either by marriage annulment, or by a penance procedure, the readmission to the sacrament. For homosexuals, there was no question of recognized marriage, but to underline the "gifts and qualities" that they could offer to the Church. They were welcomed, without however officially recognizing their [civil] union.
An …More
Many Catholics are still in the waiting game, but deep down inside they know, some out a false respect to the ones who don't have respect for Apostolic truth, some are in denial, some others know but rather wait for a no doubt mistake from the top.
Some, very few have seen the signs, the bad deeds and the Machiavellian maneuvers from the most holy pope ever to walk the earth to secure power for …More
Many Catholics are still in the waiting game, but deep down inside they know, some out a false respect to the ones who don't have respect for Apostolic truth, some are in denial, some others know but rather wait for a no doubt mistake from the top.

Some, very few have seen the signs, the bad deeds and the Machiavellian maneuvers from the most holy pope ever to walk the earth to secure power for liberals.

No red shoes, no ring of the fisherman, black pants, hotel rooms instead of papal apartments, total destruction of the predecessor's work, total distaste for tradition, totally in line with the world and everything is for the world.

And yet nothing...

The most humble man ever to walk the earth rents the Vatican to the rich to feed the poor, like when the traitor Judas got angry for that expensive perfume used by Mary at Jesus feet, he objected because "it could be sold and given to the poor" but Jesus knowing the traitor was also a thief said:

"You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." John 12:8

Hypocrisy, deceit, worldliness today seems to be the new Gospel... and the world loves their own.

I have totally given up on most Gloria TV users, they see a sheep, I see a wolf, they see a saint, I see a Judas... Most people keep silence despite deep down they know Apostasy have come in the form of a rock star.

The St Francis of Assisi prophecy have been fulfilled through the apostasy in the "who i am to judge" Franciscans of Boston and the Franciscans of the immaculate, that's why I'll follow tradition without following this wolf in sheep clothing.

May Jesus finds us with a good confession at hand. Blessings
118-62 votes and it didn't reach 145 votes to be accepted.
'Let God surprise you' said Francis...
118 wolves, 118 bad bishops... let God SURPRISE you, SCHISM is right around the corner, while that happens there's time to silenced, demote, persecute 62 Bishops. 🤗More
118-62 votes and it didn't reach 145 votes to be accepted.

'Let God surprise you' said Francis...

118 wolves, 118 bad bishops... let God SURPRISE you, SCHISM is right around the corner, while that happens there's time to silenced, demote, persecute 62 Bishops. 🤗