"The scam of the variants is to keep us in a perpetual state of exception" - The new "variants" are invented to hide the genocide caused by the fake vaccines and to be able to continue to "vaccinate" …More
"The scam of the variants is to keep us in a perpetual state of exception" - The new "variants" are invented to hide the genocide caused by the fake vaccines and to be able to continue to "vaccinate" indefinitely, in order to drastically reduce the world population, in accordance with the eugenic objective of the globalist elite that has created the "pandemic": THE PLAN IS COMPLETELY EVIL AND MANIFESTS THE ANTICHRISTIC CHARACTER OF OUR TIME - IT IS NOW TIME TO OPEN YOUR EYES TO WHAT IS HAPPENING INSTEAD OF FORMING A LINE TO GO TO THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE - The one who speaks in the video above is David Icke, who understands very well what this "pandemic" is about, but against whose religious ideas inspired by the "new age" I clearly warn: The new "variants" are invented to hide the genocide caused by false v…
For more information: 1. Questioning the official account - 2. One year of Global Health Tyranny. - 3. Brutal Health Totalitarianism. - 4. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 5. Pandemic …More
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post