
Heretic Rewarded: Francis Fills In Post that Carries Cardinal Hat

Pope Francis named Spanish born Curia Bishop Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot (66) as president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue.

Ayuso has been the secretary of the dicastery since 2012. He was appointed by Benedict XVI. Now he replaces Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran (75) who died in July 2018.

A former professor of Islamic studies, Ayuso was the leading force behind Francis' faulty and heretical Abu Dhabi declaration.

Picture: Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, © Christoph Wagener, CC BY-SA, #newsRnmwqbmtcx
St Joseph protector of the Church, ora pro nobis. St Anthony hammer of heretics, ora pro nobis.
there is only one True God (the Trinity) and Jesus is the Way ,the Truth and Life whose ever telling a diferente ,doctrine his words are not from God
Another interesting appointment
Ivan Tomas
His next appointee could easily be one or other imam from one or other islamistan.