
Who Takes Him Seriously? Francis Calls Abortionists "Assassins“ - Yesterday He Called Them "Great People"

"Is it licit to take away a human life to solve a problem?" and "Is it licit to hire an assassin to to solve a problem?” Pope Francis asked while speaking about prenatal diagnosis and abortion at a May 25 audience for the Dicastery for Laity.

His answer: “It is never ever licit to take away a human life nor to hire an assassin to solve a problem.”

However, in 2016, Francis praised the Italian abortionist (“assassin”) Emma Bonino, a confessed killer of over 10,000 children, as one of Italy’s “forgotten greats.”

"Do not accept anything as love which lacks truth." - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
St Anthony hammer of heretics ora pro nobis.
Philadelphia Trad
This man is not our holy father. He is a wicked antipope and this is more than obvious if you look at canon law regarding papal resignations. The papacy was installed by Christ Himself who can not deceive nor be deceived. Fast forward to today: here Bergoglio is saying abortion is bad and yet he praises Italy’s most unapologetic abortionist (Emma Bonino) as “great.” He is therefore DECEIVING us …More
This man is not our holy father. He is a wicked antipope and this is more than obvious if you look at canon law regarding papal resignations. The papacy was installed by Christ Himself who can not deceive nor be deceived. Fast forward to today: here Bergoglio is saying abortion is bad and yet he praises Italy’s most unapologetic abortionist (Emma Bonino) as “great.” He is therefore DECEIVING us about the grave sin of abortion. By this example and countless others, he is CONFUSING the Faithful. Confusion is of the devil, not a trait of an absolute monarchy established by Our Lord. Pray very much for our true holy father, pope Benedict XVI, that he be recognized as the true living pope and Bergoglio be acknowledged as antipope, and the past six years be nullified.
Oh boy... another self-appointed "canon lawyer" bleating his sedevacantist nonsense. Looks like you failed basic theology, too.
The Papacy was installed by Christ Himself, yet this does not prove that He explicity approves of every appointee. God allows evil in this world, just as He allows evil to occur even within His Church. Just because you don't like Francis (and I'm no fan of him, either) …More
Oh boy... another self-appointed "canon lawyer" bleating his sedevacantist nonsense. Looks like you failed basic theology, too.

The Papacy was installed by Christ Himself, yet this does not prove that He explicity approves of every appointee. God allows evil in this world, just as He allows evil to occur even within His Church. Just because you don't like Francis (and I'm no fan of him, either) doesn't disprove the legitimacy of his Papal appointment.

There have been "bad popes" before. Francis is neither new nor unique in this regard.
Go look up the Borgias and the Medicis some time.
Ludovic Denim
The true Pope is Benedict XVI as he was forced out because they blocked the Vatican's ATMs from the 1st January to the 12th February 2013, the day after he announced his resignation @PhilladelphiaTrad Indeed, the election of Francis can't be valid because there can't be 2 Popes on the Seat of Saint Peter and Daneels and McCarrick confirmed that they plotted, going against what's forbidden for a …More
The true Pope is Benedict XVI as he was forced out because they blocked the Vatican's ATMs from the 1st January to the 12th February 2013, the day after he announced his resignation @PhilladelphiaTrad Indeed, the election of Francis can't be valid because there can't be 2 Popes on the Seat of Saint Peter and Daneels and McCarrick confirmed that they plotted, going against what's forbidden for a valid election.
Late Father Hesse explained that a Pope can be a heretic, but Francis can't be even a valid Pope due to what said before. All this was prophesied by Our Lady of La Salette in 1846.
Ludovic Denim, please publish your proof that Benedict XVI was "forced out". Surely you have something other than "they blocked Vatican ATMs". I don't know if you're aware of this, but most banking isn't done by ATM. Logically, correlation does not prove causation.
Here's an example.Suppose your neighbor strips naked and dances around in his back yard begging Chaac the Mayan rain god for a good …More
Ludovic Denim, please publish your proof that Benedict XVI was "forced out". Surely you have something other than "they blocked Vatican ATMs". I don't know if you're aware of this, but most banking isn't done by ATM. Logically, correlation does not prove causation.

Here's an example.Suppose your neighbor strips naked and dances around in his back yard begging Chaac the Mayan rain god for a good downpour. He's got a garden and he needs the rain. Now suppose it DOES rain. Would a good Catholic assert Chaac caused the rain? Of course not. Everyone would claim, rightly, it was a coincidence. The same is true for your "proof". Even if "they blocked the Vatican ATMs is a true statement, you still haven't shown it caused Benedict's resignation.

Why should it? What an infantile concept. Did Benedict XVI take some little-known seldom heard-of vow of silence forbidding him from giving a news conference where he lays out his grievances against your quasi-mythical "them" and implores all Catholics world-wide to aid their Holy Mother The Church in Her time of greatest need?

No? Then why didn't he? Why couldn't he? He wasn't incommunicado, was he? He never has been.

" Indeed, the election of Francis can't be valid because there can't be 2 Popes on the Seat of Saint Peter "

There are few things more aggravating than a writer agreeing with himself when he's wrong. "Indeed" there aren't "2 Popes on the Seat of Saint Peter". There weren't and there aren't now.. That's the whole point of Benedict resigning! He wasn't ON the Seat of Saint Peter anymore. Benedict XVI resigned from the office.

You're about as bad as Rafal and that other chicken-head. All three of you keep pecking out the same old lies, all because none of you particularly like our current Pontiff's policies. Well, bad news, the real world isn't dependent upon you liking what happens in it. Francis is the boss for good or for ill.

In a theological sense, your refusal to recognize that God allows evil things to happen is a markedly un-Christian, not to mention un-Catholic denial of His will.

Things are going to get worse. That's the point of prophecy. People like you are simply refusing to accept that as God's decision. You're no different than Jonah. Like an arrogant and disobedient servant, you decide you know better than your master and your wishes come first. God doesn't need your help running the universe much less the Vatican.

The Almighty allowed "that guy" to become Pope because... well, yeah.

The same reason He allows Islam to plague the world, the same reason he allows cancer to consume profoundly devout elderly Catholics who die clutching their rosaries, sobbing for another dose of pain medication between Hail Marys.

Bad things happen in the world. Bad people end up in positions of power. God allows them to happen, and the same is true here. Your attempts an out-witting the Vatican's canon lawyers are doomed to failure. They're all smarter than you. They know Church law better than you ever will and they went into this situation fully knowhing they'd need to contend with unhappy legal amateurs like yourself. . The sooner you wise up and accept that, the better off you'll be.
Ludovic Denim
@Ultraviolet : Where did you see that I lie first ? Can you prove somewhere that I lie ? Of course, you can't because I didn't lie and you don't have proofs that Pope Benedict XVI wasn't forced out but just if comforts you so that you can continue your life on a daily routine maybe and don't ask yourself too much question. But to call me a liar is smearing me and you will have to reply to this to …More
@Ultraviolet : Where did you see that I lie first ? Can you prove somewhere that I lie ? Of course, you can't because I didn't lie and you don't have proofs that Pope Benedict XVI wasn't forced out but just if comforts you so that you can continue your life on a daily routine maybe and don't ask yourself too much question. But to call me a liar is smearing me and you will have to reply to this to God if you don't recant your words, because instead of going to walk one mile with me (Matthew 5:41) you just insult me by calling me names.

Most Catholics are weak and want to be caressed nowadays instead of seeing the truth. Vatican 2 gave them a boring mass so now they feel like they're entitled to no more go to and to use their Sunday as it pleases them.

Vatican 2 allowed many faithful catholics to dress without any dress code, so most of them feel like Catholicism allows contraception and that is not a sin. Can you say the opposite ? Of course, not ! It's the reality.

So you want to explain me what is the causality but before you try to lecture someone, certainly you should think up first about your example that doesn't prove that Pope Benedict XVI wasn't forced out. It's rather easier for you to not search the evidences that Pope Benedict XVI was forced out in order to not convince yourself of a truth that you don't like, instead of collecting the proofs that would oblige to accept something you don't want to believe and that would make believe you're part of the majority.

You speak like Pope Benedict XVI that was forced out could also declare it publicly, with red lights blinking on him in order that everyone understand... Do you really believe in your mind that www.youtube.com/watch he honked the horn so that every one of the billion Catholics could understand that ? Do you believe that Satan is not smart at all to the point that most Catholics are not even aware that they are excommunicated when they commit an abortion ?

Of course, Satan is smart and you not better than anyone else so that you should first study what peoples say about the election of Francis before to judge any and not to convince yourself that because no Cardinal or Bishop said something about the election of Francis mean that his election is valid. I recall you that Athanasius was the only one to be right at his time and had to exile himself in 5 different countries, that even in the Church there are stories where nearly all and the Pope himself mistaken themselves before to be corrected.

We know that the Vatican was blocked not only for his ATM but also for all his payments by plastic card. You didn't even study the question and you allow yourself to reply... And you speak like I would refuse to accept that God allows cancer which is ludicrous because it's rather you that refuses to accept that God allows His representative on earth to be forced out so that someone that is just a Bishop can lead His Church and accomplish the Scriptures announced in Revelation. And you dare to judge me by saying "Like an arrogant and disobedient servant, you decide you know better than your master and your wishes come first. God doesn't need your help running the universe much less the Vatican." which can be said also for you and doesn't add anything to the debate, if there is any as you forbid the expression of dissent opinions than yours...

So let me just recall some facts in order to not lose your time on me that is not important for this matter (and really you give me too much importance) :

- Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation the 11th February 2013 after more than 1 month that Bank of Italy with Bank of Germany blocked the payments at the Vatican (from the 1st January to the 12th February 2013)
- The 12th February 2013, Bank of Italy lifted up the ban on the plastic cards and the ATMs
- There was nothing else done against the pretext of money-laundering scheme invoked by Bank of Italy, except the announcement of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI the day before and even the 12th February when Bank of Italy reversed her decision no decision was done in order they could justify to reverse their decision... So there can't be no other cause at all if you are honest to admit it.
- Pope Benedict XVI chose to announce his resignation the 11th February 2013 which is not only the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes but also the feast day of the Lateran Treaty... That Pope Benedict XVI chose to announce his resignation this very day is not a coincidence as many know that magistrates used to chose a date in memory of an event that please them in the same way that Pope or Cardinals used to give the imprimatur for a book or release an encyclical on the feast day of a saint in relation with the book or their speeches. The Lateran Treaty was made in order to compensate the loss of the Vatican's territories and properties. That this date was chosen and not another mean there is a sequel in the same way that there was a sequel to Vatican I with Vatican 2 due to the invasion of the Italian army in the Vatican in 1870. And how a hazard that in the both dates it was a question of a financial convention as if the agreement was again put into question and then the Vatican himself...
- The light struck the dome of the Vatican the same day the 11th February 2013 and you can't say that it's a mere coincidence too or maybe you don't believe in God's signs...

And if it was not enough in order to understand that Pope Francis is not validly elected, we have the talks of some Cardinals that plotted to get rid of Pope Benedict and get Francis :
- Cardinals Daneels admitted that he was part of a mafia that plotted to get him elected.
- Saint John Paul II’s Apostolic Constitution Universi Domini Gregis, 79, clearly condemns the constitution of a “Mafia” like the Sankt-Gallen group: “Confirming the prescriptions of my Predecessors, I likewise forbid anyone, even if he is a Cardinal, during the Pope's lifetime and without having consulted him, to make plans concerning the election of his successor, or to promise votes, or to make decisions in this regard in private gatherings.”
Ironically, he published the Apostolic Constitution in February 1996, the very year that the Sankt-Gallen group was formed.
- Cardinal McCarrick, now defrocked, also explained why they plotted to get Francis and how

And if it wasn't enough, we have the message of Our Lady of La Salette that says that "neither the Pope nor his successor will see the Triumph of the Church". Our Lady can't be wrong as she knows everything she wants from her Son who is God. If Francis was a validly elected Pope, she would have had to say in order to be correct : "neither the Pope nor his predecessor will see the Triumph of the Church". It makes a huge difference and not only for a linguist...

And last but not least, even Francis doesn't recognise himself as the Pope given that he officially de-emphasizes papal titles.. I quote also another part of the text :
"Pope Francis has on several occasions emphasized his role as a bishop, rarely referring to himself as pope or pontiff -- even on the night of his election www.ncronline.org/…/cardinals-elect… in St. Peter's Square it was "the task of the conclave was to give Rome a bishop.""

He acts like he's still just a Bishop while Pope Benedict XVI kept his office and many distinctive signs that are those of the Pope like his name.
Ludovic Denim
Well actually Francis teaches error here. It is sometimes licit to take away human life. The Catholic Church teaches that Capital punishment is licit. Also when repelling an unjust aggressor who is a clear and present mortal danger to you or the public. Obviously, his body guards have guns to do just that in such a circumstance. You cannot conflate abortion with capital punishment or justified self …More
Well actually Francis teaches error here. It is sometimes licit to take away human life. The Catholic Church teaches that Capital punishment is licit. Also when repelling an unjust aggressor who is a clear and present mortal danger to you or the public. Obviously, his body guards have guns to do just that in such a circumstance. You cannot conflate abortion with capital punishment or justified self defence. He needs to make proper distinctions. Praising the assassin Emma Bonino was a terrible thing to do and he should recant and make public reparation for the scandal he caused before he dies. Please God that he does.
Jorge Cerra
Political weathercock
He is following the Gospel imperative: How does that go again? Oh yes: "Don't let the left side of your mouth know what the right side of your mouth is saying."
More accurately: he is following the political imperative to speak to your audience, always remembering to "be of the world and not in it."More
He is following the Gospel imperative: How does that go again? Oh yes: "Don't let the left side of your mouth know what the right side of your mouth is saying."

More accurately: he is following the political imperative to speak to your audience, always remembering to "be of the world and not in it."