
Who Takes Him Seriously? Francis Calls Abortionists "Assassins“ - Yesterday He Called Them "Great …

"Is it licit to take away a human life to solve a problem?" and "Is it licit to hire an assassin to to solve a problem?” Pope Francis asked while speaking about prenatal diagnosis and abortion at a …More
"Is it licit to take away a human life to solve a problem?" and "Is it licit to hire an assassin to to solve a problem?” Pope Francis asked while speaking about prenatal diagnosis and abortion at a May 25 audience for the Dicastery for Laity.
His answer: “It is never ever licit to take away a human life nor to hire an assassin to solve a problem.”
However, in 2016, Francis praised the Italian abortionist (“assassin”) Emma Bonino, a confessed killer of over 10,000 children, as one of Italy’s “forgotten greats.”
"Do not accept anything as love which lacks truth." - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
St Anthony hammer of heretics ora pro nobis.
Well actually Francis teaches error here. It is sometimes licit to take away human life. The Catholic Church teaches that Capital punishment is licit. Also when repelling an unjust aggressor who is a clear and present mortal danger to you or the public. Obviously, his body guards have guns to do just that in such a circumstance. You cannot conflate abortion with capital punishment or justified self …More
Well actually Francis teaches error here. It is sometimes licit to take away human life. The Catholic Church teaches that Capital punishment is licit. Also when repelling an unjust aggressor who is a clear and present mortal danger to you or the public. Obviously, his body guards have guns to do just that in such a circumstance. You cannot conflate abortion with capital punishment or justified self defence. He needs to make proper distinctions. Praising the assassin Emma Bonino was a terrible thing to do and he should recant and make public reparation for the scandal he caused before he dies. Please God that he does.
Jorge Cerra
Political weathercock
He is following the Gospel imperative: How does that go again? Oh yes: "Don't let the left side of your mouth know what the right side of your mouth is saying."
More accurately: he is following the political imperative to speak to your audience, always remembering to "be of the world and not in it."More
He is following the Gospel imperative: How does that go again? Oh yes: "Don't let the left side of your mouth know what the right side of your mouth is saying."

More accurately: he is following the political imperative to speak to your audience, always remembering to "be of the world and not in it."