Archbishop Chaput about Tucho: Not Superficial But Wrong

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has the task of protecting the integrity of Catholic doctrine and practice, a duty that is vital to the lives of the faithful, writes retired Philadelphia …More
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has the task of protecting the integrity of Catholic doctrine and practice, a duty that is vital to the lives of the faithful, writes retired Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput on (14 March).
"What we believe - about the Eucharist, for example, or the nature and purpose of human sexuality - and how we understand and apply what we believe, constitute the 'glue' that seals Catholics as a distinct people."
Monsignor Chaput thinks that Tucho Fernández holds a "uniquely important office" but is very different in thought and substance from his predecessor, Joseph Ratzinger.
He quotes extensively from an essay by the Spaniard José Granados in 'Communio' (Winter 2023).
To dismiss Fernández's thought as superficial would be a mistake, Monsignor Chaput believes. For him, Tucho has "a significant work": "His thinking isn't shallow. It's simply wrong in some crucial ways, with big implications".
Tucho insists that the main outward …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
In an essay for First Things, retired Archbishop Charles Chaput writes: “It becomes hard to avoid the conclusion that an undercurrent of resentment is one of the distinguishing and most regrettable marks of the Francis pontificate.”
la verdad prevalece
José Granados: "Fernández develops a theology “from the people,” inspired by (MARXIST) theologians such as Lucio Gera and Rafael Tello"
The main exponents of the Marxist heretical 'theology of the People' are: Lucio Gera, Rafael Tello, Justino O'Farrel, Juan Carlos Scannone and Carlos María Galli.
The Wanderer:
«Bergoglio is a Peronist ruler or, what is the same, a populist. His former seminary …More
José Granados: "Fernández develops a theology “from the people,” inspired by (MARXIST) theologians such as Lucio Gera and Rafael Tello"
The main exponents of the Marxist heretical 'theology of the People' are: Lucio Gera, Rafael Tello, Justino O'Farrel, Juan Carlos Scannone and Carlos María Galli.

The Wanderer:
«Bergoglio is a Peronist ruler or, what is the same, a populist. His former seminary classmate and former Third World priest, Domingo Bresci, unraveled it very well in this interview. He cares about what the people say or think and not the elite of theologians and, much less, that of the semi-Pelagian restorationists among whom we count ourselves. We already know what General Perón thought of the Argentine “cow oligarchy”; Jorge Mario thinks the same about the theological oligarchy. Furthermore, let us not forget that, as the pontiff himself has said, his theological mentor was Lucio Gera and his “theology of the people”, according to which “the people” are not subject to evangelize but rather subject to evangelize. It is understood in this way, beyond the undeniable populist desire, that Bergoglio's first gesture when appearing at the Vatican loggia on the fateful 3/13/13, was to ask for the blessing of the people. And that also explains why he ordered a survey of the people to find out his opinion on the family and other questions of sexual morality. "The people teach"
la verdad prevalece
"Fernández’s concern for the sacraments is also influenced by his
theology from the people".
la verdad prevalece
In summary, Bergoglio and Tucho do not profess the Catholic faith but rather the heretical Marxist/Masonic theology of the people.
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Proverbs 28:4
Those who forsake the law praise the wicked man,
but those who observe the law are in constant opposition to him.
All Saints
@la verdad prevalece Watch how you talk about Jorge’s “love” interest.
la verdad prevalece
Exactly. I support what I said with evidence. The time has come to call white white and black black. We should not fear being cynically called schismatics by Bergoglio's apostate satanic sect that challenges God and the Church.
la verdad prevalece
But in Argentina, when Jorge Bergoglio had to appear to be Catholic, he used a different tactic, falsely accusing good bishops of alleged homosexuality and psychiatric problems
Wisdom of Solomon, 2:12
Let us lay traps for the upright man, since he annoys us and opposes our way of life, reproaches us for our sins against the Law, and accuses us of sins against our upbringing.
"Wisdom 2 presents a …More
But in Argentina, when Jorge Bergoglio had to appear to be Catholic, he used a different tactic, falsely accusing good bishops of alleged homosexuality and psychiatric problems
Wisdom of Solomon, 2:12
Let us lay traps for the upright man, since he annoys us and opposes our way of life, reproaches us for our sins against the Law, and accuses us of sins against our upbringing.

"Wisdom 2 presents a speech of the wicked who deny the existence of God and boast of their evil deeds, mocking the righteous and expecting their lives to be rewarding and free of consequences."
All Saints
It is Francis and Co. that is in schism from the Holy Catholic Church. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that it is you who are in schism for rejecting Francis and his Chimera Church.More

It is Francis and Co. that is in schism from the Holy Catholic Church. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that it is you who are in schism for rejecting Francis and his Chimera Church.
la verdad prevalece
The homosexual Víctor Fernández 'Tucho' is a heretic, schismatic and apostate. A traitor who challenges the Divine Natural Law, contradicts Scripture, challenges the maximum Law of the Code of Canon Law which is the Salvation of souls, contradicts the true Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith, Contradicts the Infallible Magisterium of the Catholic Church. He even contradicts the pseudo Ordinary …More
The homosexual Víctor Fernández 'Tucho' is a heretic, schismatic and apostate. A traitor who challenges the Divine Natural Law, contradicts Scripture, challenges the maximum Law of the Code of Canon Law which is the Salvation of souls, contradicts the true Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith, Contradicts the Infallible Magisterium of the Catholic Church. He even contradicts the pseudo Ordinary Magisterium (Responso) of the false Pope Bergoglio in 2021
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Víctor "Tucho" Fernández: "They even told me that I did not support the Church's vision of homosexuals" Tucho: When I told him (Bergoglio) no, at first, he told me "I want to reconfigure it, think about it carefully."
Victor was investigated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for the same heretical ideas and contrary to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. And he should be …More
Víctor "Tucho" Fernández: "They even told me that I did not support the Church's vision of homosexuals" Tucho: When I told him (Bergoglio) no, at first, he told me "I want to reconfigure it, think about it carefully."

Victor was investigated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for the same heretical ideas and contrary to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. And he should be investigated and called before the Argentine Justice Department to testify for his cover-up in cases of (homo) sexual abuse. The same Executor (Victor) of the apostasy of the heretical Amoris Laetitia of the false Pope Bergoglio confessed in the Press that Bergoglio himself told him when he initially refused to occupy that position that Bergoglio told him that he was going to change the direction of the Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith, that is to say destroy it and Bergoglio left this plot against Catholic doctrine written in a letter.

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La Nacion: “What I expect from you is undoubtedly something very different”
“not control or condemn”, as the Holy Office did in the past. Furthermore, he asked him not to deal with the issue of abuse – as another section of that “ministry” does – but rather to concentrate on the theological area that needs development and on the promotion of thought.