
Detractor of Cardinal Pell “Denied Being Abused”

Damian Dignan, one of the detractors of Cardinal Pell who died in January, was charged with trafficking heroin in 2012.

On this occasion he denied having been abused although it would have been in his interest to use this in order to mitigate the sentence, The Australian (February 28) reported without mentioning Dignan’s name.

Now the lawyers who represent Pell’s detractors, are trying to hush up this damning evidence.

Ruth Shann, a barrister acting for the cardinal, said, “This is a case where we have people alleging things occurred from decades ago and the issue is recent inventions.”

Picture: Geroge Pell, #newsBdhaxuqotb
A lot of evil forces behind this case
His "I'm sticking with Jesus" attitude was always going to set him apart from the Judas shepherds and make him a target for others who had/have an axe to grind, but in doing that his opponents are making a saintly martyr out of him as he conforms to his Lord and Master.
Pray for Cardinal Pell