
Cardinal Sarah, There Is A Betrayal Of Prelates

High-ranking prelates from rich nations are trying to alter Christian morality with regard to abortion, euthanasia and divorce - Cardinal Robert Sarah said during a presentation of is book "God or Nothing" in Brussels, Belgium.

According to lanuovabq.it (February 27) the ultraliberal Brussels Cardinal De Kesel and Uganda born Nuncio Augustine Kasujja were present.

Sarah explained that the change became manifest when certain prelates began to accept abortion and euthanasia, “When Catholics abandon Christ's teaching and the Church's Magisterium, they contribute to the destruction of the natural institution of marriage". Accordingly the entire human community finds itself "fractured by this betrayal on the part of the clerics.”

Picture: Robert SArah, © Antoine Mekary, Aleteia, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsFummzpegqo
Cardinal Sarah we are with you ,keep on speaking up for Truth
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